View Full Version : Farewell for now.......

04-07-2005, 11:50 PM
Tomorrow the wife and I move in to our house..... I will be without internet access for several days while the service gets transfered. I will be crunchiing some D2OL while offline, so expect to see my #'s jump. I may log in from time to time at work and school but won't have access at home.

Good news is, when I finally get it back, it will be twice as fast. We are going from 1.5 mbps to 3 mbps. So watch out Grub contenders....

I just thought I would let yall know before I went MIA. I will have the computers hooked up until I goto bed. Which should be pretty late. We still have alot of crap to pack.

But anyways I guess that's it for know. If anyone is plotting against me in any of the DC projects now is your time to shine. Give it all you've got. Cause when I'm back it will be balls to the wall processing for me to try and catch up.

C-ya for now


04-08-2005, 04:29 AM
Quick guys - Huddle Up
Anyone got a plan ?
chuckle :lol:

Good luck Beer.

04-08-2005, 07:03 AM
Ok guys, he's gone. Now let's all stomp him in 17, tkc and wp and anything else you can think of.

When he gets back, he'll wonder what the f*** happened.

Jason, don't let the move be too stressfull. It will all happen in the correct order.

See ya soon. (texan drawl) ;)

04-08-2005, 09:20 AM
even with your move i dont think i can get you in SOB :(

hope the move goes well.

04-08-2005, 11:12 AM
Good luck with the move. We'll still be here. :!:

04-10-2005, 03:42 PM
Aw geez.
He's gunna be back soon and CB's not handing out enough work.
I'm half way there too. :twisted:

04-11-2005, 12:35 PM
Well we got moved in on Friday, and I'm exhausted. I should have internet access at home in a few days... I'm glad cause D2OL is boring. Especially when you can't submit your stats.....

Anyways I just thought I would check in...
