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03-10-2015, 09:08 PM
[wildlife] paper accepted at ICCS 2015
I'm really happy to announce that we've recently had a paper published on Wildlife@home in the 15th International Conference on Computational Science (http://www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2015/). We compared user accuracy to expert accuracy for both the old interface and the new interface, and results are pretty great -- with the new interface some categories (like bird presence) jumped from around 50% (basically a guess) to 70-80%!

If you'd like to give the paper a read I'm making a pre-print version available for you here: http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/csg/wildlife/publications/2015_iccs_wildlife.pdf. Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks again for all your support, feedback and participation in the project! On another note, I'm putting the finishing touches on a new Wildlife@Home application, and next week is spring break, so expect test workunits out this week and weekend for that.

More... (http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/csg/forum_thread.php?id=2004)