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05-08-2015, 03:58 AM
[wildlife] Update to Video Watching Interface
Hi everyone,

Some of you may have noticed a change to the Wildlife@Home video watching interface over the last few days. Now when you view a video you may see something like this (http://i.imgur.com/0M4k6Hm.png). The timeline below the video now shows where the background subtraction algorithms detect foreground motion. This process is markedly better on the tern and plover videos due to the large amount of foliage movement around the grouse nests. Hopefully these timelines will help the video classification process.

Screenshot of updated interface (Image) (http://i.imgur.com/0M4k6Hm.png)

More... (http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/csg/forum_thread.php?id=2030)