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05-29-2015, 05:01 PM
[dna,wildlife] two papers accepted at e-Science 2015
Great news on multiple fronts today! Kyle has had a paper accepted on Wildlife@home and Kris has had a paper accepted on DNA@Home, at this years 11th IEEE International Conference on eScience (e-Science 2015) (http://escience2015.mnm-team.org) in Munich, Germany!

Here are the pre-print versions if you'd like to give them a read:

Kyle Goehner, Rebecca Eckroad, Leila Mohsenian, Paul Burr, Nicholas Caswell, Alicia Andes, Susan Ellis-Felege, and Travis Desell. A comparison of background subtraction algorithms for detecting avian nesting events in uncontrolled outdoor video (http://people.cs.und.edu/~tdesell/papers/2015_escience_wildlife.pdf).

Kris Zarns, Archana Dhasarathy, Sergei Nechaev and Travis Desell. Searching the Human Genome for Snail and Slug With DNA@Home (http://people.cs.und.edu/~tdesell/papers/2015_escience_dna.pdf).

Thanks again everyone for all your compute cycles and time watching video! We wouldn't be able to do this without you!

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