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08-29-2015, 05:31 PM
status update and update from Munich
Hi Everyone! Sorry about being a bit quiet on the forums recently, but things have been a bit hectic with me submitting another paper, getting going for the new semester, and traveling to Munich for this years e-Science (http://escience2015.mnm-team.org) conference! I'm currently in Munich, and Kris Zarns (a PhD student who works on DNA@Home) will be joining me later today.

I'll be presenting a paper on Wildlife@Home on Tuesday (A Comparison of Background Subtraction Algorithms for Detecting Avian Nesting Events in Uncontrolled Outdoor Video (http://people.cs.und.edu/~tdesell/papers/2015_escience_dna.pdf)), and Kris will be presenting a paper on DNA@Home ( Searching the Human Genome for Snail and Slug With DNA@Home (http://people.cs.und.edu/~tdesell/papers/2015_escience_dna.pdf)). So we're really excited to have a lot to do this year at e-Science, which wouldn't be possible without all of your help!

Once I get back next Friday, I'll be working with Lindsey to update some of the Climate Tweets project pages and get the validator working. We had a little bit of miscommunication and it looks like the tweets have only been looked at once per tweet, so that's why validation has been held up. I had no tweet classifications to compare against each other!

I'm also hoping to release a new image classifying interface for Wildlife@Home, which we have a few million images taken by motion sensor cameras in the Hudson Bay in Canada, and another ~50,000 from North Dakota. Plus another ~100,000 aerial images taken by UAV! So there's a lot in the works. Will keep everyone posted!

More... (http://csgrid.org/csg/forum_thread.php?id=2156)