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10-31-2017, 07:50 PM
The Whats and Whys of Basic Research
What is basic research and how is it applicable to the work done on World Community Grid? In this article, we'll address some of the fundamental questions about basic research, which is the foundation of scientific discovery.

More... (http://alt.worldcommunitygrid.org/about_us/viewNewsArticle.do?articleId=543)

11-02-2017, 12:27 AM
Honestly, they are right on point, after doing research with my project after all these years ( 11+) I can tell you it isn't for the faint at heart. The triumph if your lucky at finding that niche, is it will be forthcoming to all involved. If you find that valued achievement, and follow through with establishing a demonstration then all your expensive, and life demanding work can be turned into life achievements, and nothing feels better than reaching that pinnacle.