View Full Version : grub stops

06-28-2005, 08:47 PM
I've just started running grub, and I've been noticing that it stops crawling all of a sudden many times. Most of the times it reaches 500 url's processed and just stops.

On the Crawler log it says "Crawling finished", and on the Client control log it seems to be trying to contact the server many times but unsucessfully. It has alot of messages saying "Next attemp to connect will be in xxx second(s)"

I don't understand, because on the client status it saysit's running, and it has 34 workunits queued... so why doesn't it move on to the next workunit after finishing one?

06-28-2005, 11:00 PM
Grub has alot of problems for some users. It must be a computer configuration problem. I stopped running it all together because it mad my internet connection slower. Plus my client would shut down for no reason.

For some people it works great. For others it doesn't.

06-29-2005, 10:53 PM

Why will AMDusers member so rapidly join every project any members discover. I see it can go to hell sometimes. I myself didn't do so. If we have a project we all vill try and as is a dedicted or priority project I should think to join. Not jump in here and there. We can't get any high scores as a team when we is here and there and when all is going his own way. Perhaps I don't understand eweryone but my opion is clear.

Lagu ;)

06-29-2005, 11:58 PM
I join every project..... But I don't run them all... People are going to have their favorites. Right now I like Zeta, but at the moment their servers are down. I joined all the Boinc projects, but I refuse to run them unless it is desperately needed. I hate the entire Boinc platform. AMD Users is an open team. You can run whatever makes you happy. I mean it is your computer. Yes we have priority projects, and you should try to help out as much as possible. But no judgement should be passed onto a person that chooses to run another project. DC is fun. It stops being fun when you start telling people what to run.

In conclusion, not everyone will choose to run the priority project. And we shouldn't judge people that choose to run something else.

06-30-2005, 06:59 AM
Beerknurd did you cache some Zeta tasks? I ran out last time when AMDave and I were running this a few weeks ago. Maybe there is a trend here? They appear to run low on tasks at the end of each month. I might be extrapolating wildly here but it occurred at the end of May and now June. Also, I switched to longer tasks to give the xp2800+ some "heavier" work.

On topic:

I find Grub doesn't award all the credits you submit. I have seen it display "x" number of urls checked and stopped it at that number, eg. 10,000 and checked the stats later only to find a lesser number recorded.

Grub chews through bandwidth too so you have to be very careful if you have a download cap on your broadband account.

06-30-2005, 07:07 AM
I started the Zeta client again yesterday after a sabatical on some more productive projects. But my client ran out again last night 1 wu after I checked it last, so I had 1 machine idling all night. No wu available again this am, so I switched it to Burp and this time I got 3 wu's. I just pushed the server again and it said no Wus to dowload, but I got another one anyway. :D

Oops. Getting off topic there.

I stopped running Grub because it kept stopping on me too and was chewing through my download limit like noone's business. When I throttled it back to a n acceptable throughput it was doing virtually nothing but taking up diskspace and memory so I dropped it for some more productive work.

07-01-2005, 01:15 AM
I had trouble with it stopping too...and GRUB can really hog some bandwidth. I've stopped running it for now and will try to increase my effort in dimes.