View Full Version : Television and censorship...

09-30-2005, 09:32 AM
For all of you that don't live in the U.S.A. I was wondering if your regular braodcast television shows, not pay channels, were censored much for nudity and language. I keep flipping around on HBO seeing all the explicit things on other shows from around the world and wondered if that was just on pay channels like here or if they were more lax on censoring broadcast shows.


09-30-2005, 10:08 AM
Before 9pm and before 6am "theoretically" no nudity but occasionally a stray boob might slip through. After 9pm bare breasts can happen in the context of the show but are not supposed to be "gratuitous" whatever that is. Full frontal is rare, more likely on SBS - the ethnic channel. Some of the European shows are pretty riske.

What really annoys me is how prudish some of the shows are. For example, we were watching Survivor Guacomole or whatever it was called the other night and every time there was a bit of bum crack (male or female) it got blurred out. You see more daring things on a building site than they dare to show on so-called adventure TV.

Also, I fail to see the point of broadcasting a Jerry Springer show when every second word gets bleeped out. Our friend Lagu must have a field day with his ability to lip read and the advantage of not hearing the annoying "bleeps".

09-30-2005, 12:20 PM
Ah yes, Lagu can read past the bleeps, but can he see past the blur??????

That is the question...... Now come on though... When watching the Jerry Springer Show, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what word the bleep is replacing... That's where is fun is...

09-30-2005, 12:31 PM
Remember the stink they made about Janet Jackson showing a breast for a half second? They had congressional hearings over that one. The U.S. seems pretty up tight when it comes to nudity.