View Full Version : Swedes plan to colonise Moon

03-17-2006, 04:37 PM

So Lagu, when are you going? ...and will you start AMDMoonUsers.com?

03-17-2006, 05:20 PM

Yeah, Hambug or idioti?

Lagu :)

Steve Lux
03-17-2006, 09:34 PM
More power to them... If they needed an aging Maintenance Technician/Planner dude who can fix about anything I'd be in line to go. I've always felt ripped off that the Vietnam war distracted us from the Space program. As my formative years were immersed with the space race and the lunar trips I've long believed that mankind's eventual destiny, for good or ill, is in space.

When it comes to mankind returning to Space in a meaningful and permanent way; I believe that Larry the Cable Guy has a simple but appropriate saying, "git-er done!"