View Full Version : Not Doing Bad

03-01-2004, 08:46 AM
We aren't doing to bad on here but alot of the most active members aren't signed up on there. Maybe we should consider devoting some computers to it. They seem to be very stable and don't have any server problems.

03-01-2004, 09:44 AM
I think this maybe the cause:

"How long will it take?
This depends on how fast your machine is and how often you switch it off. A 1.4 GHz machine will take about 6 weeks if it is left running all the time. An 800MHz machine will take almost take twice as long. A 2.8GHz machine will take under 4 weeks. We recommend that you do not download the software if you only have your computer switched on for a couple of hours a week. The experiment will run when the computer is on 'stand by' mode and when the screen is switched off."

03-01-2004, 11:17 AM
It's my opinion that you can't be able to predict what the climate will be like in the future becuase there are too many possible unforseeable varibles. Just the rate of human population of the earth has a huge impact and what about advancements in cleaner fuels such as hydrogen which in theory could be extracted from water.

I have been mostly the only one running FAH which is puzzling because the client is one of the better ones out if not the best plus it's one of the few with promising result and one of the few non profit projects. Maybe it's because it takes all day to do one work unit?

03-01-2004, 11:50 AM
Yep. Progress is very slow on some projects.