View Full Version : Ok, Confused....

04-13-2004, 01:13 AM
Maybe I am retarded but I can't seem to find the DC Stats link. I like the new icons on the side but to be honest it doesn't seem quit as good for finding the stats if they are there at all. If you are currently working on it then I will shut up until you are finished. :D


04-13-2004, 01:14 AM
For right now, its under Documentations: Content

I havent talked to BR yet.

Hope this helps.

04-13-2004, 02:46 AM
it's always been under content. the real reason I switched the menu was I had added a pic gallery and it's simplier to edit the menu if it's php. I could add stats link to the menu but it will just point to content so I don't see much of a point

04-13-2004, 02:56 AM
I want to see if I could intergate the stat pages into the menu. just one for each project or maybe we need to make a page for each project that more detailed

04-13-2004, 07:26 PM
Ok I incorparated some of the stats pages into the main menu. All you have to do is select from the drop down menu under dc team stats. they open in same windows i'll have to look into how to get pages to open up in a new window using php.

04-13-2004, 08:30 PM
That is handy having the drop down window but the type is awfully hard to see. Maybe a dark blue text or something would help.


04-13-2004, 10:04 PM
well that would be nice but I don't know even where it's even getting the colors from I'll have to look at some of css files and see if I can figure out where the blue is coming from this what the menu block looks like. If you know how to do it give me a hint.:lol:


/************************************************** ***********************/
/* phpBB2 Main Menu &#40;Modules Block&#41; for PHP-Nuke 5.6 */
/* 25 July 2002 */
/* By&#58; ThaiNuke &#40;webmaster@thainuke.net&#41; */
/* http&#58;//www.thainuke.net */
/* Copyright © 2002 by PHP-Nuke Thailand */
/* Based on the block-Modules */
/************************************************** ***********************/

if &#40;eregi&#40;"block-phpBB2_Main_Menu.php", $PHP_SELF&#41;&#41; &#123;
Header&#40;"Location&#58; index.php"&#41;;

global $prefix, $dbi, $admin;

$result = sql_query&#40;"select main_module from ".$prefix."_main", $dbi&#41;;
list&#40;$main_module&#41; = sql_fetch_row&#40;$result, $dbi&#41;;
$result = sql_query&#40;"select title from ".$prefix."_modules", $dbi&#41;;
while &#40;list&#40;$title&#41; = sql_fetch_row&#40;$result, $dbi&#41;&#41; &#123;
$a = 0;
while &#40;$file = readdir&#40;$handle&#41;&#41; &#123;
if &#40;$file == $title&#41; &#123;
$a = 1;
if &#40;$a == 0&#41; &#123;
sql_query&#40;"delete from ".$prefix."_modules where title='$title'", $dbi&#41;;

/* News */
$content = "<img src=images/blocks/icon_home.gif>"._BMMHOME1." &#58;
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"index.php\">"._BMMHOME2."</a>[/b]
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Submit_News\">"._BMMSUBMITN."
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Stories_Archive\">"._BMMARCHIVE."
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Search\">".Search."</a>
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Topics\">"._BMMTOPIC."</a>

/* Members */
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_members.gif>"._BMMMEMBER1." &#58;
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Members_List\">"._BMMMEMBER2."
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">"._BMMLOGIN."
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages\">"._BMMPM."

/* Community */
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_community.gif>"._BMMCOM." &#58;
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Forums\">"._BMMFORUM."</a>
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Feedback\">"._BMMFEEDBACK."
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Recommend_Us\">"._BMMREC."
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=gallery\">".Gallery."</a>

/* Web Link */
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_links.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Web_Links\">"._BMMLINK."</a>
$content .= "<TR><FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=\"modules.php\">\n";
$content .= "<TD><img src=images/blocks/icon_select.gif><SELECT NAME=\"name\" CLASS=\"boxcontent\" onChange=\"top.location.href=this.options&#91;this.selectedIndex&#93; .value\"
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">"._BMMSELECT."";
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"modules.php?name=Web_Links&file=index
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"modules.php?name=Web_Links&file=index&l_op=MostPopular
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"modules.php?name=Web_Links&
$content .= "</select></td></tr></form></table>";

/* Downloads */
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_downloads.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Downloads\">"._BMMDOWNLOAD."</a>

$content .= "<TR><FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=\"modules.php\">\n";
$content .= "<TD><img src=images/blocks/icon_select.gif><SELECT NAME=\"name\" CLASS=\"boxcontent\" onChange=\"top.location.href=this.options&#91;this.selectedIndex&#93; .value\"
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">"._BMMSELECT."";
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&file=index&
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&file=index&d_op=MostPopular
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&file=index&d_op=TopRated\">"._BMMRATE.
$content .= "</select></td></tr></form></table>";

/* Stats */
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_poll.gif>"._BMMSTAT1." &#58;
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Statistics\">"._BMMSTAT2."</a>
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Top\">"._BMMTOP."</a>
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Surveys\">"._BMMPOLL."</a>

/* Documentations */
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_help.gif>"._BMMDOC." &#58;

$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Sections\">"._BMMSECTION."</a>
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Content\">"._BMMCONTENT."</a>
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=FAQ\">"._BMMFAQ."</a>
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Reviews\">"._BMMREVIEW."</a>
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_dot.gif><a href=\"modules.php?name=Encyclopedia\">"._BMMDIC."</a>

/* DC stats */
$content .= "<img src=images/blocks/icon_modules.gif>"._DCSTATS."&#58;

$content .= "<TR><FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=\"modules.php\">\n";
$content .= "<TD><img src=images/blocks/icon_select.gif><SELECT NAME=\"name\" CLASS=\"boxcontent\" onChange=\"top.location.href=this.options&#91;this.selectedIndex&#93; .value\
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">"._BMMSELECT."";
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//stats.free-dc.org/muon1\">".Dpad."\n";
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//teamstats.macnn.com/d2ol/stats.php?TID=528&page
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//statsman.ww-testsites.co.uk/distfoldingstats/528.html\">
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//lifemapper.dbestern.net/cgi-bin/render-teams.cgi\"
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//mag.chessbrainstats.com/team.php?team=59\">".CB."\n";
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//statsman.ww-testsites.co.uk/folding2stats/13129.html\"
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//stats.open-dc.org/eon/stats.html\">".EON."\n";
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//stats.free-dc.org/climateprediction/team.php?team=323\">".CLIMATE."\n";
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//marcc.no-ip.org/sob/Team.php?Team_ID=83\">".SOB.
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//vadp.com/index.php?lang=2&id=6136481&user=\">".TSC."\n";
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/stats/team/team_316
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"http&#58;//stats.distributed.net/team/tmsummary.php?project_id
$content .= "</select></td></tr></form></table>";

/* For Admin */
if &#40;is_admin&#40;$admin&#41;&#41; &#123;
while &#40;$file = readdir&#40;$handle&#41;&#41; &#123;
if &#40; &#40;!ereg&#40;"&#91;.&#93;",$file&#41;&#41; &#41; &#123;
$modlist .= "$file ";
$modlist = explode&#40;" ", $modlist&#41;;
for &#40;$i=0; $i < sizeof&#40;$modlist&#41;; $i++&#41; &#123;
if&#40;$modlist&#91;$i&#93; != ""&#41; &#123;
$result = sql_query&#40;"select mid from ".$prefix."_modules
where title='$modlist&#91;$i&#93;'", $dbi&#41;;
list &#40;$mid&#41; = sql_fetch_row&#40;$result, $dbi&#41;;
if &#40;$mid == ""&#41; &#123;
sql_query&#40;"insert into ".$prefix."_modules values &#40;NULL, '$modlist&#91;$i&#93;', '$modlist&#91;$i&#93;', '0', '0'&#41;", $dbi&#41;;
$content .= "
<center><img src=images/blocks/icon_modules.gif>"._NOACTIVEMODULES
$content .= "<font class=\"tiny\">"._FORADMINTESTS."</font>
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR><FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=\"modules.php\"><TD><img src=images/blocks/icon_select.gif><SELECT NAME=\"name\" CLASS=\"boxcontent\" onChange=\"submit&#40;&#41;\"><OPTION VALUE=\"\">"._BMMSELECT."";
$result = sql_query&#40;"select title, custom_title from ".$prefix."_modules where active='0' ORDER BY title ASC", $dbi&#41;;
while&#40;list&#40;$mn_title, $custom_title&#41; = sql_fetch_row&#40;$result, $dbi&#41;&#41; &#123;
$mn_title2 = ereg_replace&#40;"_", " ", $mn_title&#41;;
if &#40;$custom_title != ""&#41; &#123;
$mn_title2 = $custom_title;
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"$mn_title\">$mn_title2\n";
$a = 1;
if &#40;$a != 1&#41; &#123;
$content .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"\">"._NONE."\n";
$content .= "</select></td></tr></form></table>";


04-13-2004, 10:49 PM
Ok Keith I figure it out and should be easy to see now.

04-13-2004, 10:55 PM
Thanks Thanks Thanks That is great. I don't know squat about making web pages. So just the fact you got any of that done is magic to me. LOL


04-13-2004, 11:52 PM
Bionic that's great work. I'm glad you understand that code 'cus I don't.

04-13-2004, 11:58 PM
I'm starting to get the hang of a little but certianly not as easy as html. I lighten up the color slightly so dropdown menu don't blend in as much.

04-15-2004, 12:40 AM
Now you are really going to be confused :twisted: we now have a ranking system enabled and added that to the menu if you click that link it not only shows the ranking but also links to explaination and breakdown of how you get points and then on the right side in the Goals block I modifed it t show the top 5 users according to points.

04-17-2004, 01:53 AM
ok I figured out how to get the dc teams stat drop down menu to open in a new windows side effect is the menu don't reset the next time you come to the website which is a problem. we have two options we could live with it the way it's or set back to open in same window.