View Full Version : Atlantis Is Found In Mount Perry

Robert P. Herbst
09-20-2007, 09:13 PM
Written June 23, 2001 Fiction 995 Words.
Copyright © 2001 Robert P. Herbst. All rights reserved.


Robert P. Herbst

Recently the M. P. A. S. A. (Mount Perry Aeronautics and Space Administration) released pictures taken from one of our super secret Orbiting Photographic Satellites. The pictures show several rings etched in the swamps and overgrown with swamp vegetation around our beloved Mount Perry.
These rings appear to have, at one time, been canals which, over the years, have been choked with vegetation and then filled in with dead swamp growth and mud. There are also several straight canals leading out from the center through the rings like spokes of a wheel.
Lastly, the picture shows the Aucilla River leading past the base of our beloved mountain, intersecting all of the rings and ending in the Gulf of Mexico, forming one of the spokes.
Closer examination by our experts at the Mount Perry Geographic Society, indicates the entire area was at one time a huge metropolitan area. At some time in the past, the entire area submerged into the Gulf of Mexico. Then it was shoved back up many years later by some tremendous tectonic force.
Somehow, this scenario had an oddly familiar ring to it. Our vast scientific community puzzled over the configuration of these rings and intersecting canals for years. It was only by sheer chance, Yodar Hoopelhoffer, the Mount Perry town idiot happened by one day as one of the many debates over the configuration raged. In an off hand way he mentioned, “GEE Guys. This looks just like the pictures I’ve seen of how Atlantis was supposed to look before it was swallowed up in the sea.”
On closer examination it was clear, the Swamp County Courthouse, located at the very top of Mount Perry, seems to have been build on the ruins of some kind of ancient building. These geographic anomalies and ruins can only be seen from great height. This is why no one ever noticed them before.
Carbon dating of these ruins has indicated the ruins are at least 15,000 years old. There is absolutely no indication of who built the building which now lays in ruins supporting the Swamp Count Courthouse. However, speculation now runs rampant about the ruins being all that is left of the formally lost continent formally known as Atlantis.
Obviously more investigation was needed. Swamp County has enlisted the aid of our very own expert on all things archaeological, Prof. Olde Stuff. Prof. Stuff immediately launched his investigation with a massive dig into the ruins, in an effort to determine who the builder was. Almost immediately, a large number of very highly specialized crystals were found. There were also many signs chiseled in stone found throughout the ruins.
Although the signs were unearthed in reasonably good condition, they were difficult to read because they were written in a language no one understood or had ever seen before. These signs and the crystals, were taken to the Mount Perry Geographic Society to be placed on public display in their huge museum.
It was only then, Mount Perry’s resident hermit, I. Livealone stepped forward and advised the experts, he could read the signs. He went on to explain how his family had lived on the slopes of Mount Perry for many hundreds of generations. The ability to read the signs was passed down from father to son, generation to generation.
Mr. Livealone was immediately given the job of translating the signs. Within twenty four hours he announced his findings to the world. The first sign said, “Atlantis Death Ray Works”. Another sign said, “Atlantis Flying Car Works”. Then there was the sign that read, “Atlantis City Limits Speed Limit 35 MPH.” He went on to translate all of the many signs on display. Doubt about what this place had been in bygone days, was beginning to yield to the fact of what was written on the signs.
At this point Prof. Stuff, said, “PHOOY! That was too easy. We shouldn’t pay Mr. Livealone, until the writing on the signs could be verified by a third party and we can verify beyond question this is actually Atlantis.” This was going to be difficult as Mr. Livealone had no relatives, we know of, with the ability to read the ancient text.
Mr. Livealone of course, was incensed by this decision and stormed out of the Swamp County Courthouse with a hand full of the unusual crystals. When asked what he intended to do with the crystals he said, “If you don’t pay me, I’m going to build myself a Death Ray and vaporize the Swamp County Courthouse.”
Of course everyone laughed at old Livealone. What the heck does a hermit like him know about building a Death Ray. Mr. Livealone later advised the Mount Perry Newspaper through their ace reporter, Mr. Badnews Hunter; the secret of building the Death Ray had also been passed down through his family for many generations.
He further indicated; the death Ray could never be built before, because the family couldn’t find the special crystals needed to build the Ray Gun. Now with the crystals in hand, building the death ray was only a question of time.
The story made the front page of The Mount Perry Newspaper and Fish Wrap. Again the entire population of Mount Perry, Florida, was laughing at old Livealone.
Today, the headlines on our The Mount Perry Newspaper and Fish Wrap reads; “Mr. Livealone was sighted near the top of Mount Perry waving a strange looking metallic device over his head as he danced and laughed like a wild man. Where the Swamp County Courthouse once stood, there is only a pile of smoldering molten stone. A picture of the place where the court house used to be is meaningless as there is absolutely nothing there anymore.”
In the future, I think we’ll have to take Mr. Livealone a little more seriously.