View Full Version : The nerd handbook

11-13-2007, 01:19 PM
At last something to point 'my better half' at when she looks puzzled at me (happens often!:icon_wink:)...



11-13-2007, 01:59 PM
Looks like a good article. maybe I'll get to it after I finish my current project....


11-13-2007, 10:52 PM
Wow what a retrospective of me; Yes it spoke about my life and how I have been acting in the last 10, 20, or more years. My god who is this man and how did he find out all this stuff about my actions and behaviors. The whole article took a good 30 minutes to read. I would read over a snippet or two and then pause as I wondered who is this guy, and how did I not see him following me all this time. Some snippets are so close to my actual actions I got chills as I read farther and farther in to the article.

Most of us who read this and know of our love of our computers will find this article well worth the time to pass this on to the people we know and love so they may understand why I reside in my cave. (I operate from a windowless basement)

I will be offering this amazing article to some of my current friends/nerds and push the idea to let them allow there better halves to read and fully understand. This is what goes through our minds and why we spend so much time on these blasted things.

WOW I am a NERD :)

11-14-2007, 09:24 AM
I guess I'm a nerd too according to the description. Got my cave and my projects, and almost everything else described. :icon_lol: