View Full Version : The Bigger POEM-Athon

05-07-2008, 06:19 PM
Hello Crunchers,
end of March was a Mini Poem-Athon challenge. But this was only for one week. Now things getting bigger. POEM (http://boinc.fzk.de/poem/) joined the first time the CASP (http://www.predictioncenter.org/casp8/index.cgi) experiment. With this race we will support POEM and invite all teams to participate.

This Bigger POEM-Athon runs from 1. of June until 30. of Juni. The team which gets the most credits in this time is the winner.

Race statistics will be implemented at www.planetboinc.com (http://www.planetboinc.com).

To register your team write your team name and teamID in this tread (http://www.rechenkraft.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=8727).

Now warm up your systems and have fun,

05-07-2008, 09:45 PM
I tried to post in the thread but got this message:

In order to try to prevent spammers, we do not allow our users to post URLs in any form until they have posted at least 3 legitimate posts and have been with us for more than 1 days. We appreciate your understanding in this matter in order to help us eliminate spam from this forum. If you have somehow gotten this message even though you meet both of the criteria, please let us know ASAP.

05-28-2008, 10:53 AM
why you need any URL?
teamID is required and this is 69 for us.

05-28-2008, 11:04 AM
Hi there txt.file !
Welcome to the AMD Users forum at last.

Do not worry too much about the message above.
Vaughan was advising us that the POEM Project had made a change to protect their forum from all the spam that they had been getting.

I see that you have been participating in more projects recently.
It is great to see our team members branching out.

Again, welcome to the forum.
We look forward to your posts and contributions.
