View Full Version : Zivis Re-Opens!!

06-03-2008, 01:32 AM
Dear Zivis users,

The new version of Zivis, multiproject and nation-wide, will launch
formally someday in June. But our informal launch, hoping to stress
the machine, is today :-)

Please feel free to register your BOINC client to http://registro.ibercivis.es/

Besides, a pre-release version of the corporate website is available
in http://w.ibercivis.es/ Yes, only one "w" character; it will switch
to www in the formal launch.

You may want to visit http://w.ibercivis.es/ in order to
geo-positionate yourself in order to appear in our

geopositioned maps: "current" activity of Ibercivis; same of a Team,
and same of the buddies of an user. All maps will be visible in
http://registro.ibercivis.es (http://registro.ibercivis.es/) too; but the geo-positioning page is in the
corporate webpage.

To enter your position, once you have registered your boinc client
in "registro.ibercivis.es".
0.5)You can try using Microsoft Internet Explorer,but we recommend Firefox
to view our page.
1) Open your internet explorer and go to w.ibercivis.es. You can also use
Google to find our page.
2) Once there, write your email and password in the upper-right textboxes.

The system will also detect your registro.ibercivis.es login cookie, if
you have been there before.
2.5) You may get some error during login. Still, if you reload the

page and/or the frames, you will find yourself logged in (assuming you
entered the right password!)
3) On the right menu, click on Inicio - > Tus Datos Personales ->
Direccion y Mapa
4) Fill the most of Direccion (Direction), Ciudad (City), Pais (Country),
so that Google will try to locate the coordinate by itself. If Google fails, then position yourself in the map. To do this, simply click and drag the map
and use the left scroll to zoom in and out. When you are ready click on the
map and a red dot will show up. If you want to change your position, click
again and the red dot will move to the new position.
5) press the button "Enviar"(Send). You will get a confirmation dialog.

The help blogs and all the other communication tools, will not be active
until the formal launch. If you find some problem with the current

applications, your best hope is to voice it in your local forum and
expect someone from the developers team is reading.


Estimados usuarios de Zivis,

La nueva versión de Zivis, multiproyecto y de ámbito nacional, se lanzará
formalmente algún dÃ*a en Junio. Pero nuestro lanzamiento informal, esperando
probar la máquina, es hoy.

Os animamos a que registréis vuestro cliente en http://registro.ibercivis.es/

Además, una versión beta de la web oficial está disponible en
http://w.ibercivis.es/ SÃ*, con una sola "w". Esta dirección cambiará a
"www" en el lanzamiento formal.

También puedes visitar http://w.ibercivis.es/ para geo-posicionarte y
aparecer en nuestros mapas de geo-posicionamiento: actividad actual de
Ibercivis, de un equipo o de los amigos de un usuario. Todos los mapas
se pueden encontrar también en http://registro.ibercivis.es/, pero la
página de geo-posicionamiento está en la web oficial.

Para introducir tu posición, una vez has registrado tu cliente en
0.5) Puedes intentar usar Microsoft Internet Explorer pero recomendamos
Firefox para acceder a nuestra página.
1) Abre tu explorador de Internet y entra en w.ibercivis.es. También, puedes usar Google para encontrar la página.
2) Una vez allÃ*, escribe tu email y contraseña en los campos que se encuentran
arriba a la derecha. Si has estado en la página registro.ibercivis.es, el
sistema detectará la cookie y aparecerás logado automáticamente.
2.5) Es posible que aparezca algún error al loguearte. Si actualizas la página
y/o los frames, aparecerás correctamente logado (¡asumiendo que la contraseña
sea correcta!)
3) En el menú de la derecha, haz click en Incio -> Tus Datos Personales ->
Direccion y Mapa
4) Si rellenas los campos de Dirección, Ciudad y PaÃ*s, Google tratará de
geo-posicionarte. Si Google falla, puedes geo-posicionarte tú mismo usando
el mapa. Para ello, haz click y arrastra para navegar por el mapa y utiliza
la barra de la izquierda para acercar y alejar el zoom. Cuando estés listo,
haz click en el mapa y aparecerá una señal roja indicando tu posición. Si
quieres cambiar tu posición, haz click otra vez y la señal roja se moverá a
la nueva posición.
5) Haz click en el boton "Enviar". Te aparecerá un diálogo de confirmación.

Los blogs de ayuda y las otras herramientas de comunicación no estarán
disponibles hasta el dÃ*a oficial de la inauguración. Si encuentras algún
problema con las aplicaciones, la única posibilidad es postearlo en tu
foro local y, con suerte, alguno de los desarrolladores lo leera.


06-03-2008, 07:25 AM
I transferred ownership to Vaughan, and just downloaded my first 5 WU's.

3 docking units finished with computation errors, and other wu's aren't showing a progress bar move until they're finished.

I guess that's why it's still in Beta.

06-03-2008, 03:25 PM
I received the same email.... :)

06-03-2008, 09:47 PM
Most tasks are small downloads and run for a few minute but I had one that was over 21MB. :icon_rolleyes:

06-03-2008, 09:53 PM
03/06/2008 08:47:52|ibercivis|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 1616405 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
03/06/2008 08:47:57|ibercivis|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks

06-06-2008, 12:28 AM
Bit of an oddity this one. Seems that CIEMAT, the Spanish laboratory into fusion research (my interest) has got together with of the University of Zaragoza who have a Bio-computing Institute of Physics and Complex Systems (BIFI). Presumably both will issue work but I'm only getting molecular WUs! There seems no way of choosing at the moment.
The website is pretty well out of the Berkley box with a few bits in Spanish so it is possible to navigate in English but there is precious little info on it at the moment and no message boards.
If you do give it a punt then set your cache low as you will get about 3 times the work that you requested and the report deadline is only 50 hours.
Quorum is 1 and you get the credits you claim so people with Crunch3R clients will be filling their boots until the admins wake up to the problem.
The map idea looks cool but doesn't work in MS Internet Explorer.
Looks very Beta to me but the WUs seem to run fine.

06-06-2008, 06:25 PM
OK I found the bit under ibercivis preferences where you can pick which applications to run but it is guesswork as to what they do unless anyone can read the Spanish and tell us. Dave.

07-01-2008, 11:20 AM
Anyone know what is happening with this project or where the news/message boards are?
They seem to have moved to a quorum of 2 with the lowest claim being awarded. Unfortunately the fusion work units only credit the first person to report and the second work unit isn't needed.
The really annoying thing is that they haven't turned on the ability for the server to cancel redundant work units so half our computer resources are being wasted and there is no way to report it!

07-01-2008, 11:35 AM
That is a fair question.
I have sent your question to the admin:

Publicado por Sou'westerly Los usuarios de AMD Equipo Foums aquÃ*:
http://amdusers.com/forum/showthread.php?p=59883 # post59883

¿Qué le pasa?
Alguien sabe lo que está sucediendo con este proyecto o cuando las noticias / tablones de anuncios son?
Parece que se han trasladado a un quórum de 2, con la menor demanda que se le adjudique. Lamentablemente, la fusión de unidades de trabajo de crédito sólo la primera persona que le presente un informe y la segunda unidad de trabajo no es necesario.
La verdad molesta es que no se han convertido en la capacidad para el servidor redundante para cancelar unidades de trabajo para que la mitad de nuestros recursos de la computadora se está desperdiciando y no hay forma de informe!


Por favor, si usted tiene alguna noticia que pueda ayudar al proyecto contribuyente, ¿podrÃ*a publicar algunos detalles.

Muchas gracias.


07-01-2008, 11:58 AM
Thanks AMDave. Dave.

07-02-2008, 10:12 AM
It would be nice to have the message boards up. I know they're based in Spain, but at least give us the ability to convert the site to English. Tanpaku is based in Japan and has the conversion available. We need to have confirmation that our computing time is going to be scientifically viable.

07-08-2008, 01:30 AM
No response from that email address so I sent it to all 3 others that I have for that admin
You will get a response shortly

07-08-2008, 08:34 AM
I have been honoured with a response from a key member of the IberCivis project team:

First of all, let me write in English because I guess that you'll post it in your forum (thanks for that!).

I have to recognize that I'm not in charge of sysadmin or coding issues anymore, but I can give you an overview ...

Ibercivis is some kind of Zivis 2.0. We have increased the geographic range (but we are still pretty focused on Spain, that's why we have only an Spanish version website... we're working on that). Important, we still don't have contest as we had in Zivis... we'll inform about it when we launch this)

As you know, Ibercivis is a platform where you register and you can receive tasks from three different scientific applications: fusion, docking and materials simulations.

They are pretty different and we have done a big effort in order to fit their characteristic to the typical BOINC system. I mean, we have implemented some extra functionalities in different issues: scientific easy interface, very long tasks management and others...

About quorum (you asked me), we have quorum=1!!! we have our own validation process inside the calculus made in each workunit. For the fusion case, we have already solved that problem with the second workunit, thanks again for your info

About the website, it is only in Spanish... you'll find the blog in this external link http://ibercivis.blogia.com/

As we don't have a siteadmin address, please post in this blog all your comments and suggestions (thanks in advance!)

The blog is also in Spanish, however you can read it in an approximate translation via Google Translate BETA > here < (http://www.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fibercivis.blogia.com%2F&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sl=es&tl=en)

Many thanks to the Ibercivis Team for their reply.
Muchas gracias a la Ibercivis equipo.
Esperamos con interés los nuevos cambios que traerá.:)

07-10-2008, 08:17 AM
Babel Fish on SYSTRAN seems to do a better job for Yahoo

Try this link instead (http://au.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fibercivis.blogia. com&lp=es_en&.intl=au&fr=moz2)

07-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Thanks, AMDave. All fixed now thanks to you, Dave.