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View Full Version : Submitting Results

07-30-2009, 03:18 PM

Has anyone had issues with Boinc not submitting results?? I check the agents usually once a day because they are not submitting completed results unless I do a manual send. RCN tasks normally take about 24 hours to process and give you about 500 points. I looked at my dual core the other day and it had 3 tasks that were just sitting there. That’s 1500 points!! There are no error messages in the log so it’s not even trying to submit the results…

Am I missing something? Is there a box I need to check somewhere? Or is this normal with Boinc?? It has been a while since I ran it and I know that it didn’t use to do this…

07-30-2009, 03:36 PM
I found this, but it was posted in a forum in 2007... I wonder if it still applies...

Reference Link (http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=44050&nowrap=true#690763)

Reporting is done if one of a few things are done.
1: BOINC determines it needs more work
2: 24 hours
3: Manual Update (not recommended)

The database gets hit hard, and each report causes a database open, write, close. If you report 2-3 units at a time, instead of 1, this saves database time as it can be done just as fast, and gives a lesser chance of corruption.

So, it queues the reports until one of the above conditions have been established. This was on older versions of BOINC, was removed for a while, but has returned.

07-30-2009, 04:04 PM
The reasons above are in order to keep the servers running optimally. You'll still get all the credit, just not straight away. And with quorum this might not happen anyway. You can however create a cc_config.xml file in the BOINC directory with the following directive in it

Hope this helps


07-30-2009, 04:07 PM
Cool. Thanks Bok. I will try that when I get home. :)