View Full Version : help with Sierpinski base 5

10-20-2010, 04:16 AM
Can somebody help me with the Sierpinski Base 5 project please?

I have done a few workunits on it back in 2007, and it went well at the time, and now I tried it again but I am seeing no results coming up in the stats after two days of the machine running.

It had been a long while since I last crunched there, so I figured I should get the latest clients all over again, create the configs and stuff and start crunching.
I went to the mersenne forums, where all the maths projects are located and on their subforums I found what I thought would be the latest-and-greatest of the client applications...

I downloaded all the necessary parts... PRPNet and pfgw, configured the thing the best I knew how, and it has been working for two whole days, downloading and testing candidates and sending back the results...

...but nothing comes up in the stats pages, for me, or for the team! :-(

I am now wondering if the "server" line in the configs may not be right... but if it's not, how come it is sending me work and gathering my results?

...and in that case, where are my results going to?

Is anyone running this or knows how it is configured, that can help me please?

10-20-2010, 04:33 AM
Hmmm... after much digging around I figured out that I got into the wrong place... for some reason that server and settings is running on PrimeGrid.

It seems PrimeGrid uses PRPNet for testing new applications and projects, and I somehow got involved in that... probably by wanting to try the "latest-and-greatest" app...
I do have some points marked in this page though, but I think they will be useless...

Well... I changed to the servers posted here:

And seems to be getting work and crunching... let's see how it goes in a couple of days more...

Joe O
11-08-2010, 01:50 PM
Are you still having problems? I saw that you were competing in the current contest and just stopped. You had quite a few pending tests, but they have now expired. I'll monitor this thread for your questions.

11-09-2010, 04:12 AM
Hi Joe. Welcome to the forums. :)

Sorry I had to stop suddenly, I actually don't know how to clear the queues correctly on the application. It keeps fetching more as soon as it finishes a batch.

I stopped because I reserved a 10T range to sieve, and I grossly miscalculated how long it would take.
On the website it is requested that we reserve ranges that can be completed in under 1 month, but I'm currently at 20% (give or take), and already some 3 weeks passed. When I realized how big of a chunk I had reserved I moved 4 cores into it (instead of the just 1 initially) and I'm thinking I might have to gather some more to help.

I'll be back on PRP'ing as soon as I can. I wanna catch up with my team mates and see if I can catch a prime or two. :)

Quick question... is there no Riesel Base 5 PRP'ing going on, or is it me that have the wrong server configured? A couple of weeks ago I tried and it said there was no work, and now it just says that it can't connect... something with the sockets...

Joe O
11-10-2010, 04:41 PM
Thanks for the welcome!

Heh heh, I wondered about the size of your sieve range. I can extend the time limit to 2 months, will that help? Your original rate would take 3.5 months, or so. I do hope that all the machines you are using for sieving are 64bit running a 64bit OS.
There is no easy, clean way to stop the PRPnet client, that I know of. What I have been doing is changing the # of units to fetch to zero and monitoring the last wu and stopping when it finishes. PITA. Actually if you stop just after a wu starts, and are fetching only 1 wu at a time, then you don't lose too much work. If you are fetching more than 1 wu at a time then change it to 1, and also change stop option to 2. Then you can stop it, start it to get the new options, and stop it just after it starts a new wu. The server will take care of the rest.
There is Riesel PRPing going on. LTD did not have time to refill the 2.4.7 server after he found the prime for k=245 we were exclusively feeding that server before he went out of town. Lennart is running a 3.3.5 or 3.3.6 server for us at server=sr5:100:1:prime2u.com:7171 that works well with 4.0.x clients as well. So that is our Riesel Server now. I even extended the contest to it. I don't know if it will work with the 2.4.7 client. Give it a try and let me know.
By the way, even with the 2.4.7 client you can use the most recent cllr.exe and PFGW32.exe or PFGW64.exe programs to get the speedup advantage.

I'll give you a month extra on your sieve reservation for each prime you find. :icon_wink:

11-10-2010, 11:57 PM
Please do extend my time limit :)
I am now up from 4 to 6 cores sieving, 3 on good old Windows XP 32bit, and 3 on Windows 7 x64.

I'm going to have to try that Riesel PRP server soon... but right now it's full power to the sieving to see if I get it done as fast as possible.

Joe O
11-11-2010, 01:17 AM
Check your sieving speeds. People have reported 64 bit sieving to be 2.5 times faster than 32 bit sieving. I've extended your limit to Jan 15th, but can extend it again if you need it. Lennart also has experienced a slowdown. If you have split your ranges into subranges, and/or can easily keep track of things, submit your factors as you go at http://sr5.psp-project.de/sieveimport.php. Don't worry if you submit them twice (or more) the page will let you know what is new and what is not. That way we get the maximum benefit of the factors. They will immediately remove k n pairs from testing, but don't worry if you can't do it easily. Have fun!

11-11-2010, 04:23 AM
I can't really tell about the different speeds because the 64bit machine has also a higher clock frequency than the 32bit one, and there is a world apart between each other in terms of speed... at least 2 times faster in 64bit, but then again, the higher clock frequency may also be helping it.

I am breaking down the ranges in 1T blocks, and apply them to different instances in different folders of SR5sieve, got 6 of those blocks spread by 6 cores. I have a couple of ranges already around 40% and 50%, I should start getting results soon now.

Joe O
12-06-2010, 02:58 PM
Good show! I see that you have submitted factors and are predicting that you will be done by the end of December. That's 2010 I hope! :D
In case you haven't seen the posts, there will be outages during the week of 2010-12-13. Do not panic. Lars is upgrading the server. Just save your factors until we are back up and running. I will confirm the receipt of your factors at the end of the upgrade. I usually run a report once a month looking for gaps in the factor submission and produce a graph or two.

12-08-2010, 04:12 AM
Thanks Joe. :)

I just submitted 190+ more from a 1T range that finished last night. That makes it 3/10T fully finished and submitted, and 7 other ranges ongoing. The last of the ranges is estimated to Dec 31st... Lets see if I can finish all of them before new year's eve. :)

My resolution for 2011 will be not to reserve more than 2T at a time. :icon_lol: