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01-18-2012, 11:37 PM
Uploader joy - or the lack thereof. Call for help
Those who have been following the forums and our IRC channel #renderfarm.fi on Freenode.net will know that we have users who are for unexplainable reasons unable to successfully upload sessions to our server using our wonderful integrated Uploader in Blender.
We have been investigating our logs a lot, tried many things, but still this remains as elusive as ever.
Now, we're determined to get it nailed and fixed, so I created a short video tutorial explaining how to create a net capture of a failing upload attempt. Please visit and watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr4J-sTlAQ4 to learn how to get one for Renderfarm.fi. I've attached the video to this post for your convenience :)
We ask those who experience the annoying upload problem to generate a net capture and to send us the resulting file. We hope that this will shed more light on what is going on. All of our developers have been unable to reproduce the issue, so we need to go low-level. A net capture will be tremendously useful.
Send your capture files to nathan@letworyinteractive.com, don't forget to mention your userid or username.

More... (http://www.renderfarm.fi/blog/jesterking/uploader-joy-or-lack-thereof)