View Full Version : MindModeling@home (Beta) News

03-08-2012, 04:00 PM
BRIMS and Jack's back on the team
Next week the team will be presenting a demonstration of the MindModeling@Home system at the 21st Annual Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling Simulation (http://brimsconference.org/) as we illustrate the power volunteer computing can provide cognitive science community. Also, a few months ago I returned from graduate school (http://indiana.edu) after finish my dissertation focusing on the 'Automated Cognitive Model Evaluation'. Since January, I have been working full-time with the team focusing on some of the issues for make MindModeling@Home a more useful resource for a larger pool of cognitive modelers. Thanks for all your support to the project and it's good to be back! Jack (http://mindmodeling.org/beta/view_profile.php?userid=1)

More... (http://mindmodeling.org/beta/forum_thread.php?id=563)