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04-23-2012, 02:22 PM
1. RNA World Workshop in Wieda (Harz/Germany)
Vom 17. bis zum 20. Mai findet in Wieda im Harz (http://maps.google.de/?ll=51.630265,10.584205&spn=0.027758,0.077162&t=m&z=14) der 1. RNA World Workshop statt. Hintergrund des Ganzen ist unser Bestreben, möglichst viele Projektinteressierte so aktiv wie möglich in RNA World einzubinden. Wir möchten deshalb dieses Jahr die Gelegenheit nutzen, RNA World Interessierte zum 1. RNA World Workshop im Rahmen des seit Jahren stattfindenden teamübergreifenden BOINC Treffens (http://www.boinctreffen.de/) zusammenzubringen. Dieses Jahr wollen wir unter anderem gemeinsam probieren, ob wir ARM-basierte Systeme für RNA World nutzbar machen können. Alles weitere kann im Forum (http://www.rechenkraft.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=131384#p131384) besprochen werden. Interessenten laden sich bitte das Anmeldeformular mit weiteren Informationen (http://www.boinctreffen.de/download/file.php?id=63&sid=b8a2492a0854afa5698c097f8e2b8dd7) herunter. The 1st RNA World Workshop will be held from 17th-20th May in Wieda (Harz/Gemany) (http://maps.google.de/?ll=51.630265,10.584205&spn=0.027758,0.077162&t=m&z=14). The idea behind this workshop is our aim to integrate as many RNA World-interested people as possible in a more active manner. For this reason, this year we would like to take advantage of the opportunity to bring RNA World-interested people together at the 1. RNA World Workshop which will be held together with the team-independent BOINC Meeting (http://www.boinctreffen.de/) which takes place in Germany since many years. In this year's RNA World workshop, we would like to see whether we can get ARM-based machines to run with RNA World. Further details can be discussed in the RNA World forum (http://www.rechenkraft.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=131384#p131384). People interested in participation may download the registration form with further information (http://www.boinctreffen.de/download/file.php?id=63&sid=b8a2492a0854afa5698c097f8e2b8dd7) (e.g. on accomodation, etc.). For our foreign supporters we are aware that this announcement comes on short notice, but this year we would just like to first take a look at how much interest there is for such a gathering before we go ahead with plannings for an internationally suitable meeting. Michael.

More... (http://www.rnaworld.de/rnaworld/forum_thread.php?id=93)