By order of several well meaning Doctors I am retired. A spine that I treated way to poorly for far to many years and a LAD Heart attack due to me having no idea that I would ever live anything approaching my age. I am very happily married to the most wonderful woman on the planet Jennifer. I have 2 children Alex my daughter who is 20 and attending college and my son Ryan who is a senior in High School and will start college this coming May. For several years we have been enjoying offroading our Jeep but that is no longer an option. So Ryan and I have started assembling machines out of parts we had around and have taken crunching back up. We have a fast internet connection and cheap electricity so it just seems to follow that crunching is a good route to go and enjoy something we can do together. It would be nice to have my Gatekeeper53 name back but I'm starting to get used to this one. More later.