[dna,wildlife] two papers accepted at e-Science 2015
Great news on multiple fronts today! Kyle has had a paper accepted on Wildlife@home and Kris has had a paper accepted on DNA@Home, at this years 11th IEEE International Conference on eScience (e-Science 2015) in Munich, Germany!

Here are the pre-print versions if you'd like to give them a read:

Kyle Goehner, Rebecca Eckroad, Leila Mohsenian, Paul Burr, Nicholas Caswell, Alicia Andes, Susan Ellis-Felege, and Travis Desell. A comparison of background subtraction algorithms for detecting avian nesting events in uncontrolled outdoor video.

Kris Zarns, Archana Dhasarathy, Sergei Nechaev and Travis Desell. Searching the Human Genome for Snail and Slug With DNA@Home.

Thanks again everyone for all your compute cycles and time watching video! We wouldn't be able to do this without you!
