I like Dirk's choices for the same reasons, except, I'd like to second Tweeder on LHC as I'd prefer to forward LHC in lieu of SRBase.
I know LHC generally returns lower score than the other but there;s a lot happening at CERN at the moment from my reading over the past few months and the current work units can unfluence the outcomes of their current focus - more of a "live" influence than usual.
Forwarding LHC right now is significant if all of the teams jump on and push it forward.
I do keep in mind that they have run out of Wus in the middle of a contest before but if we (everyone) can run them out that would be a great thing for their current science initiatives which have been getting a lot of media lately.

Otherwise, I'm ready for whatever the committee selects.
I just got a PSS Redback 12U rack - it HUMMMMMMMs but temps are coming down so lets warm my house up this winter!
"UR UR UR" [Tim "the toolman" Taylor]