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Thread: GPUGrid - testing CPU Threads

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania

    GPUGrid - testing CPU Threads

    GPUGRID: New multicore app and WUs

    we would like to test our new CPU multicore application for quantum chemistry tasks ("QC"). Since it’s the first time we have a CPU app out, I’ll test the behavior of GPUGRID with a relatively large batch that you will see soon. Workunits are named "*QC309big*".

    Here’s some features of the app, in short (subject to change):

    * Platform: Linux only for now, generic x64.
    * Threads: as many as Boinc decides. I guess it depends on your machine, your preferences, and other running tasks in ways which are obscure to me…
    * Run time: about 1 CPU hour per WU (so, shorter if multithreading)
    * Credit: computed with the default algorithm (tasks are short, don’t expect much). Bonus mechanism for fast turnaround is still on.
    * Known bugs: restarts and checkpoints. This should be mitigated with the “keep in memory when suspended” option. Sorry about that, it’s outside of our control.
    * Network behavior: the first time you get a WU of this kind it downloads a Python interpreter (miniconda) and then some open-source packages, and installs them in the project directory. The installation is reused whenever possible.
    * Disk usage: could go around 1 GB, perhaps more when tasks are running. Resetting the project should remove everything.
    * Memory usage: should be around 1 GB when running.

    Depending on the results of this test, we’ll start thinking about other platforms.

    Thanks and nice crunching!

    11/10/2017 2:58:07 PM · more...

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

    …Pursuit is always hard, capturing is really not the focus, it’s the hunt ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    Doesn't work for us plebs, only a selected 20 lucky participants got to try it. The Project Admin says it is another BOINC mystery why only those folk got tasks.

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