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Thread: Ramjet Memorial Challenge

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    double check you joined the team?

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    I burned off my too-old WUs

  3. #43
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    Bumping up an old thread... can't believe another year is almost gone by already.

    Many things happened this year, but today Ramjet came to my mind. I believe that may have been triggered because today I videochatted with my older sister in Portugal, who was diagnosed with breast cancer this year and appears to have beat it to the best of her knowledge, after surgery and several rounds of chemo.
    We can be blessed as individuals and win small personal battles every now and then, but it will take a much greater and combined effort from everyone to win the war itself.

    With that in mind, shall we rally together and create the second annual Ramjet memorial WCG challenge?

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Leiden, the Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoGen View Post
    Bumping up an old thread... can't believe another year is almost gone by already.

    Many things happened this year, but today Ramjet came to my mind. I believe that may have been triggered because today I videochatted with my older sister in Portugal, who was diagnosed with breast cancer this year and appears to have beat it to the best of her knowledge, after surgery and several rounds of chemo.
    We can be blessed as individuals and win small personal battles every now and then, but it will take a much greater and combined effort from everyone to win the war itself.

    With that in mind, shall we rally together and create the second annual Ramjet memorial WCG challenge?
    Sounds like a good idea to me!

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Yes, I'll join. When is it?

  6. #46
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    You set it up in Mid December last year, we can shoot for around the same dates unless different dates are preferred?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    ouch @ cancer. good to hear the fight has gone well. wishing the best for her!

  8. #48
    Since it appears the challenge is not yet declared publicly, now is the time to strategize. I supported this last year with the same devotion I do the Pentathlon, and plan to do so again. That being said, assuming one of the climate projects is not launched before then, and does not contain a GPU app, my vote is for a run-time challenge. At full-burn I am clearing four months per calender day, however most of the cores are on the weaker side, so results returned and points I cannot thrive in. (Also a run-time challenge doesn't have me min/maxing clocks to the point of meltdown 23h a day) Obviously I am one person, so let's get the the conscientious of the collective, and give us the best chance possible at coming out on top.

    EDIT: I could probably thrive in a results returned as well, would just need to figure out what I can chew through the fastest with my hardware and OS, and focus solely on that. However if the challenge is only on cancer related research and not WCG as a whole, my server-class chips take 8-10h to clear a Mapping Cancer Markers unit, while my desktops can clear them in 3.5-5h at current clocks.
    Last edited by SuicideCabbage; 11-20-2018 at 03:28 AM.

  9. #49
    NeoGen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plonk420 View Post
    ouch @ cancer. good to hear the fight has gone well. wishing the best for her!
    Thanks plonk420! Now comes the constant vigilance.

    SuicideCabbage, the "collective" might wake up around the holidays and weekend. I'm sure we should hear some more interesting points about it in a couple of days.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Another memorial challenge would be great as too many people are dealing with or being lost to cancer. Thanks for the bump on the thread NeoGen. I am glad to hear that things seem to be well with your sister and hoping for great health in the future.

    I feel a runtime competition would be OK as new projects can be run to help out during that event. I know Ramjet would love these challenges as he believed in the many WCG projects we have contributed to.

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