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Thread: how can google keep messing it up?

  1. #1
    NeoGen's Avatar
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    how can google keep messing it up?

    When you think that OFF should just mean OFF? It apparently doesn't...
    Google is facing new scrutiny in the wake of revelations that it stores users’ location data even when "Location History" is turned off.

  2. #2
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    Data is the new gold, Google is data-hungry

  3. #3
    AMDave's Avatar
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    It was always this way from the very start; beginning with the wi-fi signal and identity gathering and mapping during the street-view camera passes - and every repeat pass since then.
    It simply took this long to prove sufficient evidence to force them to admit it and yet the the only consequence I see is a wording change on an "info dialog" next to a setting.
    The practice will continue - they just have to "NOT deny it" from now on ( This choice of words deliberate here as they have not yet been forced to "declare" it)

    I wonder if folks really think that the "fruit company" passes the same ethical testing after a team of "Wigs" have fought their way through the legal interpretations of the layers and combinations of the words in the EULAs, check boxes and "Click OK" pop-up boxes etc.

    Indeed, they are making vast wealth from the data.
    Is your data for sale? Sure.
    Can the data buyers identify you?
    Well it is possible and has been demonstrated, but that takes a lot more data and a lot of work, but yes that is possible.
    Not really worth it unless you are a threat to a state or economy - at which point funds are less of an issue anyway.

    On the other hand - digitising medical records is most definitely a bad thing as this becomes a resource of value - at a fee which medical insurers are willing to pay - and governments are willing to offer.
    Your medical profile will soon (maybe already) determine your insurance prices, your emplyment etc.
    Short hop to the scandals happening on MyAncestry where folks have submitted DNA and are now being profiled, harassed, blackmailed, etc.
    This particular development is young but has a very predictable and sinister end-game.

    Data controls and legislation have fallen behind and failed and there is little incentive to fix it while there is so much money to be made from it.
    Your government doesn't work for me.
    I don't think it works for you either.
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  4. #4
    AMDave's Avatar
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    Hmm. Sounds a bit negative?
    It's a general view with fairly wide-spread discussion base so I choose not to edit it.
    Just be aware of the consequences and think about what devices you use, which companies you connect to, what you choose to publish by being online and adjust your choices and habits around the level that you feel is acceptable to you.
    No need to hide in a bunker or wear a tin hat.
    One timely reminder - The "White hats" work for the companies to prevent the "Black hats" exploiting their resources. Neither of them work towards our interests. The term "White hat" is widely misrepresented (although there are a handful of "Grey hats" who have some moral standing)
    Last edited by AMDave; 08-21-2018 at 11:24 AM.
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  5. #5
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDave View Post
    Just be aware of the consequences and think about what devices you use, which companies you connect to, what you choose to publish by being online and adjust your choices and habits around the level that you feel is acceptable to you.
    Reminds me of the (possibly true) story passed down from generation to generation of when a couple of guys with nothing better to do just for the joke started messaging each other back and forth talking about committing terrorist acts and no more than a few days later they were being followed and had suspicious black vans pop up in their neighborhoods.

    And the more modern (also possibly true) saying, if the police or FBI need to find someone they don't spend time doing investigations anymore like in the old days, now they just ask google or apple and in just 5 or 10 minutes they know exactly where we are.

    It's funny because it's (probably) true!

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