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Thread: Stop / Start Your Clients - DNS Update

  1. #1

    Stop / Start Your Clients - DNS Update

    Hi All,

    Thought I'd drop in and ask to you please stop & start your clients. We've moved to a new data site, and BOINC caches its DNS info too long (3+ days or so), so a stop & start is needed. Nice thing is that this is a permanent change, so no more DNS interference.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thanks for the update

    Computer Repair in Clarksville, TN

  3. #3
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    I saw the news on the main RS site.

    I wonder if that new 3mb/3mb connection is gonna be enough when you open account creation at beta stage. :P

  4. #4
    We're taking that into account, and are in the process of distributing our bandwidth needs to ~10 different download sites. This would take all needs off the 3/3 server other than the scheduler and website. If that's not enough, we have plans

    But yes, it will be interesting to see how quickly that 3/3 disappears.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Connection problems with RS

    I’ve had a problem connecting to the project and got in touch with Bryan, I’ve just had this reply:

    You're not doing anything wrong - our server move had a big downside - a faulty modem for our BPL connection. It was a new modem, and we didn't know it was faulty - one is on order from the ISP, but it won't be in until Thursday Tried arguing with the ISP, but that didn't work.

    I'm in the process of trying to get the data to another server site - if I can accomplish that, we'll be back on-line very shortly. It's a bit difficult right now, as the site keeps cutting me off.

    I'll let you know when things change.


  6. #6
    Thanks dAVE - I often don't have time to post everywhere when we're having issues, as I'm usually trying to fix them

    We've put together a band-aid solution, although a good one. We have a temporary home for the BOINC server at a totally different location (actually, it's a mirror server, basically). What this means is that, unfortunately, a client exit/reopen is needed again, and will be needed (eventually) when we go back to the original server (probably Friday/Saturday, when we're SURE the modem is working 100% to our needs - which will include stress-testing things).

    You will know you're on the wrong server if you receive the following message in your BOINC client:

    Please exit & reopen your BOINC client. Due to some equipment problems, we've undergone a
    temporary DNS change, and your DNS record has not been updated. Sorry for the trouble. Stop by #rieselsieve on to see us and for more info. Thanks! ~The Riesel Sieve Team

    Thanks everyone for their patience - I know things have been a bit bumpy at times, but it's definitely fixable. Good to get them out of the way in the alpha!

    Other parts of the site (forums, llrnet, stats) will not be moved, at least for the time being. As the outages seem to spring up when we upload large amounts, the hope is that by moving the BOINC server, the other parts will be at least (relatively) more stable. New equipment arrives Thursday morning.

    Edit: One side effect is that the stats will not update (probably, unless I get adventurous) for the BOINC pages until we're back on the main server. Sorry - there's a number of cron jobs that would need to be transferred over, and I want to make sure that the results are getting accepted correctly. Maybe I'll shoot for a daily update or something, so that people see some progress from the pages. Just a side-effect of the move I guess.

    Stats Administrator
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  7. #7
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    Deep in a while loop
    Thanks for the extra-fora visit and news, Brian.

    You are spot-on. This is exctly what alpha is for - to give the tyres a good hard kick.

    These hiccups are all excellent positive test results pointing to vulnerabilities in the framework that can be planned for and addressed.

    Succeptibility to hardware failure is a tough nut to plan for. In the long run it would be handy to have backup parts available for (well everything :roll: BUT...) the connectivity as it is a critical component for continuity. It doesn't have to be on-hand here and now, though. A note to get and test a spare in the long term plan would be great. I fell foul of that a whlie ago on. 12 months later I now have a spare router on hand and had to use it to resolve a fault 2 just weeks ago.

    All your effort now will pay off in the long term.
    Keep at it.
    You are doing great.

  8. #8
    Thanks dAVE. We've been talking the last few days about the things we can do to help provide failover/backup for whatever arises, hardware, software, or otherwise. This temp server will become my testing ground, which would mean next time, we could move over in a matter of minutes. I'm also going to get the server to upload the critical DB data off-site at regular intervals, so that I don't have to go through the painstaking task of trying to get it off a disconnecting server (it was quite a game last night trying to do that).

    It has shown us were some of the weaknesses (both computer and human) are right now, and the things we need to fix. On that note, the "No Work From Project" and upload errors are fixed - that was a human error (mine )

    Should be a smooth-sailing day for at least the rest of today **crosses fingers**


    Stats Administrator
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    Riesel Sieve Project

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    hi need help asap

    ok i have been having stop start errors and then my computer kept on restarting all the time then my computer did that and it did not come on again it just shut down and didnt reboot plz can u help?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Alberta, Canada
    Hi NAWY2J and welcome to the forums

    unfortunately I'm off to work

    quick guess is computer needs a cleaning, CPU heatsink, mobo and powersupply

    if you can try switching powersupplies to see if it boots

    I'll check back later tonight

    Big Whiskey

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