And you are correct, Sir V-figured all here would grok S/F, not that I'm all that into it. A link I would love to read, if any can provide one, is on speculation about the ramifications for Number Theory and Physics should a Zeta proof become available. Is the new direction using particle physics to crack it addressed? Are there any who believe-as Turing did when he wrote "On Computable Numbers"-that in fact there were gaps where certain non-trivial zeros way past a trillion that did not fall along the Riemann's curve? Would such a proof be an even bigger bombshell than Incompleteness? I will be back with many more questions, as Zeta lies at the heart of a story I am now working on elsewhere in the metaverse. And thanks for taking time to respond to a novice. Funny, about a year ago I used that Penquin Gif in my emails as an example of 'flipping the bird' recursively. (a bird flipping another) Hear how Bush was told 2 Brazilian troops had been killed in Iraq? He gasped, then whispered to Cheney; "God, just how many is a brazillion, Dick?"