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Thread: Need Help/Advice Linux Server

  1. #1

    Need Help/Advice Linux Server

    so i took down LLCrunch02 last night to install Linux Mint for NFS@Home. i do see the copulation errors occasionally even though from the project page it looks like the new winx64 code was suppose to fix it . any way i chose mint only because of the driver support. this is an old dual socket 1.6 optron supermicro board. the sata controller is an add on and has its own boot section reminds me of a scsi interface its a pain i dont use it and its 1.0 the usb is also 1.0 ....anyway point is this machine is just to crunch im not going to be logging into it ... i need a recommendation of a stream line version of linux just to run boinc in the corner....Ive been in the computer game for a long time and have tried many flavors of linux i always get stuck trying to compile binary for my kernel so id prefer something that at least has a good 10/100 database in the install i couldn't care less about sound usb ect i guess i forgot to mention mint wont boot gui .. it might have something to do with the 4meg video card dont know the live cd ran fine. lucky i installed along side xp and the grub loader pathes work to it....back crunching winx64 till ferther help thanks
    Last edited by Logic Labs; 08-02-2013 at 06:51 PM. Reason: Spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Leiden, the Netherlands
    Copulation errors? That's one f**ked up system -no, that's just for laughs.
    I have the same -computation errors- on my slightly overclocked A8-3870K with it's 8GB fancy high-speed RAM, maybe we ought to look at that angle.
    Using Ubuntu 13.04 btw. I have a A8-3820 running Win8-64 bit that has no errors and a A6-3500 running Xubuntu 13.04 error-free on NFS. Combined the three of them to HD 6670s.

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