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Thread: NQueens (new boinc project)

  1. #1

    NQueens (new boinc project)

    Yet another boinc project (seems like a new one every other day):

    Team created:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    And this is what it does i think:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    Yet Another Boinc Project - YABP - I'm in too.

    My family said "What's the point of this one? Its not like its finding cures to cancer or anything".

    I need more CPU cores just to allocate a core per project; its getting ridiculous. Maybe they (Intel & AMD (if they still exist)) need to consider 16 cores and just skip the octacore generation completely.

  4. #4
    NeoGen's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Mid Michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by vaughan View Post
    I need more CPU cores just to allocate a core per project; its getting ridiculous.
    Got that right, if I doubled the Quads I have now I still wouldn't have enough Cores to go around. I have 66 BOINC Accounts now & I know I missed out on 4-6 Projects that have No Account Creation now.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by vaughan View Post
    Yet Another Boinc Project - YABP - I'm in too.
    Glad to see you in, and I'll transfer team founder to you, if I have your permission.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Thanks BobCat13 when you're ready. At least this project has shorter task run-times; I get about 20 minutes each on my Core duo 1.66 notebook.

  8. #8
    Transfer has been initiated.

    Tasks are running about 10 minutes each on my X2 6000+.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Mount Perry, Florida. Home to Florida's only snow capped mountain.


    I'm not in any way finding fault here, but I need to ask this question.
    Exactly what is the purpose of this group?
    I had thought these groups were established to find a single, or possibly two, scientific projects to invest some idle computer time into. Here the prime motivation seems to be to see how many different projects one can subscribe to.
    Maybe, I'm wrong, but I feel that if I subscribe to one project and put all my effort to this one project, I might just make a difference. I only have three dual core computers, and I see many of you have a lot more computer power than I will ever have.
    I have even thought of linking the computers I have into one massive parallel computer, but I don't know enough about computers to do it. Is there a program a fairly computer illiterate person like me can use to accomplish this?
    Presently, I have all my eggs in one basket. I work on the SETI@home project, am I wrong to do this?
    Please Visit The Land Of Mount Perry, Florida. Home to Florida's Only Snow Capped Mountain. Here in Mount Perry, anything can happen and usually does.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Hi Robert, the answer to your question is simple - run whatever you want, after all its fun. I started in Distributed Computing many years ago when I had a particularly bad cold. I was surfing the internet on my 28kbps dial-up modem and was looking for information on fractals, you know Julia sets and Mandelbrots. Somehow I discovered Popular Power's web site and they had a Distributed Computing project that was looking for cures to Influenza. This struck a chord with me as I was feeling lousy, coughing and sneezing etc.

    I started running PopPow and over the next few days realised I needed an "always on" connection. Oh I wished for an ISDN line but couldn't afford it. Further searching with Alta Vista and I found Ubero which suggested that I could be paid for the work units I ran for them. So I joined up and ran that project. Then I went looking for a team and posted on the Ubero forum a question - which team should I join and why? Bruce White and Shnal, the original founders of AMD Users, had just started the AMD Users Distributed Computing Team and invited me to join them. I had just migrated from a PIII-733 to an AMD XP2000+ which could crunch a Seti task in 10 hours compared to my Intel machine's 24 hours. So I joined AMD Users as I was very impressed with the AMD's performance.

    As time went by new projects came and went; new team mates came and went; the relentless improvement in computing power and affordability continued and continues today.

    Now it seems as if a new project (usually BOINC based now) appears every week. I have gone from a P-133, P166, P200, P2-350 (Super Computer was its name ), P3-733 and AMD XP2000+ to 39 full-time cores crunching 24/7 and 3 broadband connections with 5 dial-up ISPs as backup, all in a dedicated air conditioned computer room. Yet, I still don't have enough GHz.

    Its an expensive hobby this crunching but its cheaper than some other big boys toys.

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