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Thread: How long do the tasks take?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia

    How long do the tasks take?

    I'm not sure if anyone is running this project that visits our forums but I've been running Find-a-Drug on my fastest PC (Athlon XP 3200+ with 1 GB DDR400 RAM) and after 5 days I'm at 27% with 55 hits. Is this normal? The only other thing running is ChessBrain, occasional GomezPeer (2 hours a day) and printing when I'm working, doing reports, quotes etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Kent, UK
    Sorry Vaughan,

    I've never run FaD. I tried doing some analysis of our team members stats on FaD but nothing made any sense.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    St. Joseph, MO
    Sorry, I can't be more helpful but it has been a long long time since I have run it. I do remember though that it took ages on my XP1800 I had at the time. I wouldn't be surprised if that was normal. That was why I stopped running it. I also thought it had poor feedback. For a while I thought it was locked up or something.


  4. #4

    how long work units take

    There seems to be no pattern. On August 23, my main comp did 3 tasks and had 40, 14, and 35 hits. Between August 28 and Sept 10, it did one task at 493 hits. It has been working on a package now since September 10's up to 393 hits at 88% finished. So there seems to be no standardization. Anywhere to several a day to one every week or so. The comp these stats come from is an Athlon64 3200+.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanks kamaleigh, and welcome to the forums :!:
    I've put FAD on hold temporarily as I concentrate on SeventeenOrBust. I'll switch back eventually. My guess is the tasks don't time expire.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    Well I put my XP3200 back on FAD and I think I have a Molecule From Hell :!:
    This critter is being completed at the rate of 0.03% per hour. I should finish it at this rate in 233 hours :shock:
    So far 364 hits.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Arlington, Texas
    Mine seemed to lock up at 99.85% for almost 5 hours. I finall turned it off cause I thought it froze.

    I just realized that Lifemapper had a CLI version. I've been running the GUI. Man have I been wasting CPU cycles. The text version is a hell of alot faster. I have 2 clients running on my dell and I finish 4 using CLI in the same time it took me to finish 1 with the GUI....

    I have got to start paying more attention lol

  8. #8


    there is no real standard for fad but each type of packet has similar times. the precent complete is also relitive because it usally will fly through the first 10-30% before it slows down. this makes sense because of the chemistry that it is preforming. my 2100+ will usally do about one packet in a day or two. i run it hidden and i make sure to not have the graphics running because that will slow it down a lot.

    if any body reads this and needs the team number it is 2031.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanks ahab3333 - I had the graphics showing! Oops, silly me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania
    WoW a project in another post lead me to this old post. GomexPeer; I looked it up and found people pay you for running this program on your system. Then I found a you tube hacking video that clearly demonstrates that once running slows down your system quite a bit. ($45 a day income potential) If you have an extra system running not much then GomezPeer is something you might consider. They will pay you to operate your computer and pay you back some much needed compensation for the electricity your using. The Hack of course makes you m$re money.

    The Project Web Site: It is even listed on Facebook.

    The You Tube I mentioned is close to 10 minutes long:
    Last edited by Nflight; 07-18-2010 at 02:21 PM. Reason: Oops fixed error

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

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