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Thread: L'Alliance Francophone closing in

  1. #1

    L'Alliance Francophone closing in

    L'Alliance Francophone looks to be closing in on our first place team position. They are at about 17M to our 21M and at times in the past weeks have beaten our daily output by as much as 50k.

    I've got every system I can have running, running cosmo at this time, hopefully with a little more help, we can hold them off.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mid Michigan
    I noticed that myself a few days ago and moved most of my Pc's back on Cosmo too, the French Team has beaten us pretty handily the last few days though ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I'll switch my PC to Cosmo when I finish my LLR Riesel Sieve WUs. They take forever!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    I'll see what I can do. Not much to spare but I guess every GHz counts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Virginia, USA
    I'll switch back shortly also.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Got the q on there, others will follow when my internet meter has reset (6 days to go). I get the message there was work but it was committed to other platforms from cosmo (i have 6 wu's on my q). any ideas on what to do?

    EDIT: nevermind, it downloads some after a while
    Last edited by Frederic Brillouet; 03-27-2008 at 12:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mid Michigan
    Thats quite normal Fred ...

    Just a heads up on the Wu's, I would Abort any Wu's created before 03/20/08. The Wu's are Numbered like this > wu_032008_130448_2_1 so the first set of Numbers after the wu_ is the Month Day & Year the Wu was created.

    The Second set of Numbers is the Hour Minute & Second the Wu's was actually created on the Day it was created so they are easy to figure out.

    The reason I say to Abort them is because theres only a 50/50 chance they will complete before getting an error or even if they do complete you may or may not get Credit for them ...

    PS: I see you & Vaughan posted over in the Cosmo Forum, I have a feeling the Server is being overloaded for Work Requests because of the Outrageous Credit the project is giving out right now. My Quads are pulling 600-800 Credits Per Hour with the short Wu Length's, even once I get into the 80 Credit Wu's I'll still be pulling over 500 Per Hour I suspect.

    So whats happening is every Credit Hound in BOINC is trying to get in on the Credits & thus Overloading the Server, I'm having a hard time the last day or so connecting to the Server too.
    Last edited by PoorBoy; 03-27-2008 at 12:56 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania

    L'Alliance Francophone closing in

    Sounds like Cosmology is about to crash ! ! ! ...................! ! ! Again

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

    …Pursuit is always hard, capturing is really not the focus, it’s the hunt ...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    AF will close in even more, got heaps of pending credit and the amd refuses to get new wu's and the intel is almost dry. I vote to launch the cosmo project + all staff into orbit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mid Michigan
    I posted this over in the Cosmo Forum in response to a post by 1 of the Mod's to try and get some sort of reaction from anybody that has anything to do with the Project.

    How often do the Project Support team look in?
    Not often enough.
    Which is Par for the Course after awhile once a Project gets started, it seems the Projects always get shoved to the back burner as the Dev's have more important things to be doing other than worrying whether their Project is running or not ... o_0
    Personally I'd like to see a uniformed agreement among the Participants @ Projects like this to just Abort all their Wu's and walk away from it. When the Dev's finally do check in on their I can't be bothered with it project let them figure out where everybody went.
    And don't tell me the Projects Beta, if it is then thats all the more reason for the Dev's to Communicate more & check in on it at least more than once a week or month or ever if thats what they do.

    For the last 3 or 4 day's we have:

    1. Wu's Failing or Looping @ then just being Re-Issued so they can Fail or Loop for the next 4-6 People
    2. Can't Download Work or very little if any at all (This is the most irritating Problem of them all & has been ever since the Projects inception & never really has been fixed to date yet)
    3. Can't Upload Finished Wu's or very slow in getting them Uploaded
    4. Harder that Heck to move around the Forum or your Account
    5. Wu's not being Validated (I personally have over 1/2 Million Credits coming & I know others have more than that)
    6. Wu's being Validated with 0 Credit

    Probably some other Problems that I'm forgetting, other than those whats not to like about this project ... ;) ... All these problems without any word from Scott or anybody, a nice I'm working on it or just deal with it I'll fix it when I get ready to would be nice and takes all of 5 seconds to post ...

    Whats the Point in having a Urgent Problems Thread when it's quite obvious nothing about this Project is very Urgent to anybody that has to fix the Urgent Problems.

    PS: Personally I'm getting tired of running this Project & about ready to let the French have it, all I've done for the last 2 days is babysit my computers trying to keep work on them from the project. You shouldn't have to do that @ any Project but then this has been an ongoing problem ever since the projects inception @ I've about had my fill of it ...
    Last edited by PoorBoy; 03-28-2008 at 09:22 PM.

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