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Thread: 40K and rising

  1. #1
    AMDave's Avatar
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    40K and rising

    Milestones Today AMD Users passes 40,000
    Great work Team!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Does the Project send Wu's to PC's running a 64 Bit BOINC Client ... ??? ... My Quads never get any work from the Project & I'm assuming it's because they all have a 64 Bit BOINC Client on them.

    My P4 3.4 32 Bit Laptop has gotten some before but it's been broke for over a week now & I don't know when it will be running again. I have a new Battery & 1 Internal Fan Ordered for it but once I get them I'm not sure even then it will run again.

    I was messing around trying to get Linux Ubuntu v7.10 installed on it (With no success I might add) when it just quit, no Lights or activity at all from it when trying to start it. It's about 4 years old so I figured the Battery finally gave out on it, at least that's what I'm hoping is the Problem or it's going to be a waste of money to get the Battery even cause I'm not going to drop a bunch of money on it.

    It's just not worth the benefit of having it running the Projects when compared to the Quads, but if I can get it up & running again with just the Battery replacement I'll try & get Linux installed on it again to see if I can get a little more service out of it ...

  3. #3
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    interesting question
    the project stats do show plenty of 64 bit OSs, but it is not clear if they are running 64 or 32 bit clients.
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  4. #4
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    Yeah I know that, but I've never got a Wu from there on my 64-Bit Pc's, only the P4 3.4 32 Bit Laptop has ever got work from there ...

  5. #5
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    I am wondering if an old version of the project client has failed to update.
    Did you try a Detach and ReAttach cycle?
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  6. #6
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    I didn't have any of my 64 Bit PC's Attached to the Project any more until this morning again, I just Attached 1 again so I should have got the latest Client, I stiil haven't seen any work on it though from Cel's ...

  7. #7
    I'm getting them on my quad running vista x64

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scooter View Post
    I'm getting them on my quad running vista x64
    Yes, I just noticed a few minutes ago 1 had been Downloaded after 8 hr's of calling for work, it's running now so we'll see if it finishes ok or not. I know there are a few Projects that will give a 64 Bit Client work but the work never finishes before it error's out, I can't remember if Cel's was 1 of them or not ... ??? I'll report whether it finishes okay or not ...
    Last edited by PoorBoy; 05-01-2008 at 09:30 PM.

  9. #9
    I have completed 17 tasks all without an error on x64

  10. #10
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    I did have a few Wu's Finish okay & Report, so I guess you can get Wu's with a 64 Bit BOINC Client if you want them ...

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