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Thread: Grid Computing Center - Inside an embeded Trojan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania

    Grid Computing Center - Inside an embeded Trojan

    The Trojan is snuck in with BOINC as it brings itself up from a reboot, and its connecting to the BOINC client. It takes over your Browser's cache, leaving you unable to access any browser including IE. My Firefox was simply unable to recover, I had every virus check going at the same time, when this nugget popped up. Be careful its more a bore-some delay then a harmful monster but, It creates so much more headache for the owner of the computer desktop or laptop as you can't open your browsers. Grid computing Operators should be warned their project has been superceded and taken over for malicious purposes.

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  2. #2
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    Geez.. that's a real quick way to infect hundreds of thousands of machines. I hope they stop it quickly.

    NFlight, sorry to hear about your machine getting infected, I would recommend wiping that machine and reinstalling the OS and everything else from scratch. It's the most time consuming solution but it's what I do on my own machines... I hate viruses so much I can't trust a machine afterwards even if all anti-virus tell me it's clean.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Leiden, the Netherlands
    May have to do with a new option in the preferences for this project, that by default is turned 'on' and that uses your GPU for XMR bitcoin mining....

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