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Thread: To many Projects are TU

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Virginia, USA

    Thumbs down To many Projects are TU

    ABC, Rieselsive, Cosmo.., I'm starting to feel like I'm wasting my GHZ. Whats wrong with these sys-admins running these projects? They cant get their acts together.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    + SHA-Collision over the weekend and when it came back on-line they didn't post about why they were AWOL.

    + lots of minor projects ... Mind Modeling, GeneticLife has been hard to get tasks, Milkyway also has a tendency to drop out too.

  3. #3
    You can actually get to abcathome by adding some local dns..

    On linux hosts add

    to the /etc/hosts

    on windows add it to


    and it will then connect.

    I've just added it to the free-dc server and it's updating the stats right now..

    I was a bit peeved as I'd just started crunching it, going for my 100K in the 18th project when it fell over, leaving me with around 50 wu's unsent.. They've all just gone through..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Hi BOK. Thanks for the info, did you manage to get your team back from the hijackers?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Virginia, USA
    Thanks Bok.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sou'westerly View Post
    Hi BOK. Thanks for the info, did you manage to get your team back from the hijackers?
    Nope, no response from the nano-hive admins unfortunately

    If it comes online again I'm sure we'll get it back, but with it being almost dead it's going to be difficult..

    I'm sure we'll get Ralph back at some point though..


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania

    To many projects are TU

    mitchellds, Unless you have all the time in the world to fiddle with the ups and downs Boinc Projects have. I left them due to that reason.

    I have only so much time to spend with maintaining projects anymore. I want to make sure people know I am still here, but I have less and less time to keep the projects up and running.

    I found non-boinc projects are much less strenuous on the hair pulling area, and even work for days or weeks without having to cringe whether the project will be up when I return several days later.

    I am not frivolously expending hard earned income funds that could go to something else when my systems would be idle running BOINC projects. So I went with non-boinc projects and feel I am accomplishing great things with out losing anymore of my hair on my head.

    On the downside of all this is the fact you have earned a posting of great output in the BOINC projects. Your ranked high on the scale of achievements. I too was trying to push for great things in BOINC ranking, when one day I just decided it was better to use the system 24/7 without feeling horrible when I would lose, like you put it several Ghz for no apparent reason. It was like a mental block I had lifted myself to believe I had to be good or better, great. I reached the top 5,000 in BOINC ranking and was hoping for more when the systems would not budge.

    As you can see on my signature I am no longer drawn by Team ranking. I have only two main systems to dabble in and feel my continued effort and support of AMD Users is hard at work whether I am 4 counties over in a farmers manure pile or able to stop in and read my email. (after a soapy shower of course)

    It took some 30 or more days of strength to wean myself off of the frustrating BOINC. I even thought about diving back into it a couple of times. Feeling left out, non-participating sort-of, I thought I was not doing my part. But, I am doing my part and in a big way!!!

    I can not beg you to try a little change once in awhile, just like our food selection, no one likes to eat the same thing over and over. It is the ability to change our course of action and make new strides in different areas we never worked before. This gives us new hope and distinguished relief of frustration.

    Try a Non-BOINC project for 2 weeks and remove your self completely from BOINC at the same time! Are you addicted to BOINC or just the statistics? If you get something accomplished and see your stats rise is it the same just not in the BOINC arena?

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

    …Pursuit is always hard, capturing is really not the focus, it’s the hunt ...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I just stick with WCG and they seem to keep my stuff busy

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Nflight View Post
    Try a Non-BOINC project for 2 weeks and remove your self completely from BOINC at the same time! Are you addicted to BOINC or just the statistics? If you get something accomplished and see your stats rise is it the same just not in the BOINC arena?
    Wieferich@Home is very stable and has never run out of work yet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Vermont, USA
    If people are looking for non-Boinc projects...TSC and D2OL could use a few cycles once and a while. My Borged boxes are pretty sporatic so far this summer. I may have to run some wu's on my own boxes , if things don't pick up a little.

    And for those out of the loop. PS3grid now supports some newer Nvidia gpu's running under *nix 64. Go to, for details.
    Last edited by Bender10; 07-16-2008 at 06:15 PM.
    Logic is the art of being wrong with confidence.

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