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Thread: FreeHAL@home

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    actually, I'm referring back even farther. I never could get work after he changed to more then 1 at a time.

  2. #52
    Join Date
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    Central Pennsylvania


    Liuqyn I would think the best solution would be to detach and reattach for that equation. There are times and not many of them where the programs gets stuck in not requesting new work, at that point I just reset the project and off it goes. This Stuck bit does not affect the other projects you are running though so no fear there. Just figured I would bring that up though since you had trouble in the past it is not a perfect system, and I can't spell with out spell checker anymore!

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  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    good advise, but my problem, at the time, was that there was either no work or the servers were always down, so I gave up on it. luckily that doesn't appear to be the case right now.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Nflight is spot on target again!

    The only piece of infrastructure that seems to suffer is Tobias's Server. It is why the kid had to cut the number of concurrent tasks from the lofty 25 at a time.

    Mitchell I have no idea what he's actually researching as the links seem to branch off into German but if you want some free stats this is the project to run. Maybe that is why its called FreeHAL.

  5. #55
    Join Date
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    Central Pennsylvania


    Liuqyn: Under your own account in the project there is a listing of [FreeHAL@home preferences] Click on that and set the {New maximal concurrent work units - selector to 25} Now you should get more then one at a time, it comes set at 1 when you sign up, you physically have to set it to something higher.

    On my system work unit bunches take 35 minutes, then the system will recycle the work units and fetch me more to work on. over and over again, all day long. All on top of the other work units I am working on, pretty neat.

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

    …Pursuit is always hard, capturing is really not the focus, it’s the hunt ...

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Nflight: your missing my point, way back when the project was new it would only run 1 at a time and when running on multiple computers it thrashed my ISP so bad I couldn't use it for anything else, so I stopped running for awhile.

    Then sometime later he(Tobias) changed it so you could run more tasks at the same time. it was after this change that I was unable to test it again due to no work and server down-time issues, so I don't know if the internet thrashing continued or not.

    I just started running again with the new 5-8 limit so again I don't know if the internet issue is still present, though I hope not. I put it on several of my comps but they're restricted to only connect at night(during my free connect time) due to bandwidth concerns on other projects I run.

  7. #57
    AMDave's Avatar
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    Ah yes. Now I getcha. We had those bandwidth problems back at the start (post #15,16 this thread)

    I pulled the pin on it for the same reason some time ago (after testing and once I got my 10K milestone, of course).
    "per-project" settings would be better since there are such variations in the projects available now.

    Like you I have just re-attached 1 boxen for a 'look see'.
    It appears that the network usage is now very low, but I will keep a check on that as I am on a much much more expensive and vastly reduced bandwidth limit these days.
    Last edited by AMDave; 06-19-2009 at 12:00 PM.
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  8. #58
    Join Date
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    Virginia, USA
    Ok, I'm giving it a whirl now also on 1 droid.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    well, it seems we're back to 5 tasks again.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    vienna, austria
    there are new wu´s out if someone is still interested in this project.
    my credit is shooting up like a rocket.....
    it takes about 1 h and 40 min for a workunit to complet and you get 12 credits each.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that i had to reattache to the project because boinc sad i used a wrong url.....
    Last edited by velociraptor; 09-28-2009 at 01:48 PM.
    mihi deliberandum est....

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