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Thread: Lets have a race!!!

  1. #1
    NeoGen's Avatar
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    Lets have a race!!!

    Hey guys!

    I think it's time for us to have another AMD Users Race, and since we had some offers to be used as race prizes recently, it's more of a reason for it.

    The Contest Plan
    So, the initial planning is a 4 race event in boinc projects, in two categories, 2-cores and 4-cores. But there's a twist here, anyone can participate because there isn't really a need for a dual-core or quad-core processor. You can register for example two single cores for entry on the 2-cores race, or 2 dual-cores in the 4-cores race. Any number of hosts as long as it matches the required (maximum) number of cores.
    The special case of the Phenom X3, the only cpu out there with 3 cores, makes it odd for any of the races. It wouldn't be fair to run against dual-cores, and it wouldn't be fair to run against quad-cores. So in all fairness, the best chance for it is to add up another single core to it, making the total of both 4 cores, and have it running in the 4-core race.
    NOTE: HyperThreaded Intels count double if hyperthreading is active. A single core hyperthreaded intel will count as a dual-core because it's running as dual-core. (Altough I know it doesn't have the performance of a real dual-core)

    How to participate
    For participation in the race, you'll have to "sign up". That just means that you need to post here to tell me that you want to race and give me the host IDs of the machines that will be running.
    But guys, I can only accept people that have been registered in the forums for at least three months and crunch for the Team. If you are reading this but are not registered, don't feel bad because we organize races every now and then. Just register here, keep crunching with us, and keep an eye on the boards for the next race.
    Now to sum up the rules in a nutshell, each participant can only submit one entry for each category. You can race on both categories, but only with one entry on each, and with different hosts on each. So choose wisely the best host(s) for each category that you can, it can make the difference.
    NOTE: The hosts that you apply for each race need to be publicly viewable. That means that if you have your hosts hidden, you have to set them to show on your boinc preferences.
    NOTE 2: Remember, you can sign up and participate on both 2 and 4 core categories, but not with the same hosts. Each host will only be admitted in one of two categories.

    Race Projects and calendar
    The plan is a 4 race event on different projects. Each race should fit in a week, 6 days long race and the 7th day free for making preparations and switching projects. The measurement unit will be the total credits, and at the end of each race the top 5 participants with the most credits will receive a number of points from 5 to 1 according to their final ranking. The contest champions will be the participants with the highest number of points awarded in each category, after the 4 races. In case of a tie, the next factor will be number of race victories. And if still it remains a tie, the last tie-breaking factor will be the total ammount of credits of the 4 races, which I don't believe any two people will do equal.
    First race should start May 18th, and will be on Rosetta@Home. Following projects are still to be defined. A preliminary calendar should be like this:

    May 18th - May 23rd - Rosetta@Home
    May 25th - May 30th - (undefined project)
    June 1st - June 6th - (undefined project)
    June 8th - June 13th - (undefined project)

    June 14th - Final results display & NeoGen's Birthday!

    The missing projects will be defined at most before the start of the contest.

    This is the part everyone was anxious to read. We have received two offers to be used as contest prizes.

    For the 4-core race the prize is one EVGA GeForce GTX-260. This monster gpu will give you both incredible graphics in games, and incredible points in gpu crunching! You do not want to miss this chance of getting one for free!

    For the 2-core race the prize is one Intel Core2Duo E8400. Altough we're an AMD oriented team, we recognize a good cpu when we see it, even if it's of the competition. This bad boy dual-core runs at stock speed of 3GHz but has been successfully pushed beyond 4GHz.

    I hope everyone understood the general idea. Any questions, comments, or ideas, post them below!
    This is still the preliminary plan, subject to change, the final specs of the contest will be published in the following week.

    Participants listed so far:
    (moved to the Race thread)
    Last edited by NeoGen; 05-07-2009 at 11:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Central Pennsylvania

    Lets have a race!!!

    Wow I must have stumbled on this real fast, just stopped in to see whats up and OVER POWERING NOTIFICATION, Wow !

    I see the whole gamut is pretty laid out, Thanks NeoGen, your doing a great job. I unfortunately am really busy lately and must bow out for this race. I will be following it closely as the days progress.

    Good Luck everyone!

    Challenge me, or correct me, but don't ask me to die quietly.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Sounds good, NG.

    I can't resist entering, so I'm signing up for the quad core with my lowly computer (ID 939011).
    So that's 1 for the quad-core race so far.

    Best of luck to everyone who joins!
    Last edited by gamer007; 05-04-2009 at 08:35 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    vienna, austria
    Hmmm, wanna join the quad-core event, but got a problem: which exact number declaring the computer do i need???
    first time i looked it up and got a little bit confused??
    cpid varies from the project, does this matter??
    1024231 (ComputerId from Rosetta)
    33ca2348b2669591ce9ec1d7de268563 (cross-projekt idetifier from boincstats)
    do i need any more numbers to participate? got plenty of them...

    let us have some fun........
    greetings vel...
    Last edited by velociraptor; 04-27-2009 at 11:43 AM.
    mihi deliberandum est....

  5. #5
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    The host id number from each project is what I need.
    Only for Rosetta@home for now, but when the other races have been defined I'll ask for the ids at the other projects too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Wow - I haven't ran Rosetta in forever (I stopped when I started WCG which has a Rosetta component). I'll have to add Rosetta to a box or two. Maybe even pick up a quad core, since I don't have one yet.
    Fabricati Diem, Pvnk

    Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    vienna, austria
    Ok, NeoGen, then i think i gave you the right number. just for clearing things up:
    mine for rosetta@home(quad-race)
    good that there is a quad section now, could not participate in the last race due to the lach of a dual-core (had onle a single-core at that moment) and i would have played for a while if my system would now have been to powerfull.

    mihi deliberandum est....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    how does it work if we sign up 2 4cores? is that even allowed?

    is this a race for total points? or total points / [# of 4-core devices]?

    edit: i'm assuming X3s are counted as 4? ;)
    Last edited by plonk420; 04-27-2009 at 03:30 PM.

  9. #9
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by plonk420 View Post
    how does it work if we sign up 2 4cores? is that even allowed? is this a race for total points? or total points / [# of 4-core devices]?
    You mean to ask if it is possible for a member to participate with more than one entry per category? Like signing up two quad cores for the 4-core race?
    The answer would be no, the race is for each member to come forward with his/hers best machine(s) for one or both categories.
    If you have two dual cores you can participate on the 4-core race, by submitting them as a group. The total ammount of cores of both would be 4, so its ellegible for the race.
    And you can participate in both categories at the same time if you have different hosts to run on both races. For example, if you have one dual-core on the 2-core race, you can't apply it for the 4-core race as well.

    And no, X3 will count as 3 cores. It wouldn't be fair to have an X3 alone against X4s. Pair up an X3 with a single-core and you'll be ready for the 4-core race

    EDIT: You raised some very good questions that I forgot to answer to plonk. I'll Edit the top post and add some more info, as I'm sure more people will have the same doubts as you had after reading it.
    Last edited by NeoGen; 04-27-2009 at 03:34 PM.

  10. #10
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by plonk420 View Post
    is this a race for total points? or total points / [# of 4-core devices]?
    To sum it up, each race is for the most credits. The top 5 people with the most credits get a number of points from 5 to 1. 1st place gets 5 points, 2nd place gets 4 points, and so on...

    The Contest Champion on each category (2 or 4 cores) will be the person with the most points after the 4 races are finished. In case of a tie, the second factor is number of victories, and if still in tie, then the grand total sum of credits of the 4 races, which I don't believe any two people can do equal.

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