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Thread: Optimal Solution Finder (new project)

  1. #11
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    The CCL Winter game tasks are as hard to crunch as the long tasks in Wieferich. I'm getting annoyed with the lack of progress with a new client. Surely a progress bar or percentage complete cannot be that hard to include. This project is just lucky its getting as many CPU cycles as it is because I'm busy with real life stuff and cannot afford the time to turn the battlefleet around.

  2. #12
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    OK, battlefleet switched tack to GeneticLife. Let's see if that elusive Top 10 can be reached again.

  3. #13
    NeoGen's Avatar
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    Here I go walking on the tip toes, trying to get back up... that is if I can go around vaughan's battlefleet without being detected... 400 to go

  4. #14
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    I see ya NeoGen, looming large in the rearview mirror. However, I think I'll wait until the developer has improved the application. #1 thing I hate is the lack of in-task progress.

  5. #15
    NeoGen's Avatar
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    I got ahead undetected by the battlefleet! Now to try and make a getaway...

    I think the project admin will only release a new version of the client when these last few pending levels are finished. You could help speed that up vaughan.

  6. #16
    NeoGen's Avatar
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    Got an email from the project admin about a week ago, only checked the emails now
    He meant to post here but is having difficulty posting on the website (very slow page load / can't reply to thread) so he emailed me asking me to post it here.

    Hey AMD users,

    Thanks for your support! The project is almost finished thanks to you guys. Vaughan, that was amazing last week! =D

    Improving the client
    I am sorry, the client definitely needs to be improved, but I don't want to mess with the code so late in the project. When I have a chance I will port it to Linux. For now if you use wine, try running the program with the parameter 1 (distributed.exe 1). When I start the next project, I will be sure to include the ability to resume partially completed workunits and add a cool graphical view of the work.

    Two levels of Puzz Pinball were solved with 5 objects. The results for level 14 are posted. The results for level 20 will be posted after the last 3 workunits are completed (I may have to break them up because they are taking a really long time). The last level of Sony Pinball is guaranteed to be solved with 6 objects. I'm not sure about the last 2 levels of Puzz Pinball, but one or both of them should be solved with 6 objects. The last level of The CCL Winter Game has the largest increase for each object added. Adding 7 objects is about 20x larger than adding 6 objects. Many of the workunits are really fast, though. This level is guaranteed to be solved with 8 objects, but will probably (and hopefully) be solved with 7.

    The next project
    The games I am considering for the next project after the Kerb games are solved are Building Blaster, Putt Base, and The Incredible Machine (mobile). I want to test the project on some non-flash games, but they would have to be open source. Please tell me if anyone has suggestions for new games. If I do create another project, it wouldn't be until next year. And the client would definitely be improved.

    We need as many cores as possible to finish the project in the next few weeks.

    Thanks again to all who have participated,
    Last edited by NeoGen; 09-15-2009 at 12:51 AM.

  7. #17
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    OK I put a couple of dual cores on it again.

  8. #18
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    Well, I got about 1000 points ahead of you now so I should be safe for a few days even if you turn the whole battlefleet against me.

  9. #19
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    Not yet ... still in powersaving mode. Waiting on parts for the new dual xeon server time to retire all the dual cores.

  10. #20
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    I noticed you haven't had many new primes found recently, your prime count is at 116 (115 of them listed already on your wiki profile page), I thought you might be focused on something else. But I understand the why on powersaving, I would hate to get your electricity bill at the end of each month.

    If you happen to not have a use for those old dual cores don't let them just sitting in the basement, we could always arrange a little contest and have them as prize, I'm sure there's people here who would love to add them to their own battlefleets.

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