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Thread: Radoactive@home News

  1. #1
    AMDave's Avatar
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    Radoactive@home News

    Second detector release
    The collection for Radioactive@Home detectors
    As we announced earlier, we start second presale of Radioactive@Home detectors.
    This time however the detector will be in enclosure, but it is still a "kit" so it will require assembly. The detector will be sent as a PCB wit case and Geiger tube. You will have to buy USB A->B cable (such as for a printer). The date of shipment - January 2012
    All that contacted us regarding group sale are requested not to order the detectors through main site.
    Group orders will be realised by contacting through PM on the project forum!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Central Pennsylvania
    For anyone interested in purchasing one of these Units and if you live in the United States as I do, then go to this message board post and pm the contact: "Krunchin Keith", The link to the conversation is here: Please PM Keith if you are interested in obtaining one of these units. DO NOT PLACE AN ORDER for one of these units from the main page. They are not ready yet, they will be in January 2012. being part of a group will lower your price so much its worth the wait.

    Now if only someone would do this for the Quake Catcher Network BOINC Project, I am still waiting for my detector and its been more then 6 months!

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