Hard drive failure on our primary database server
Our shiny new primary database server, that's been responsible for the nice performance lately, decided that things have been way too stable. So this Sunday morning at about 6:38 EET* the server killed it's primary hard drive bringing everything to a grinding halt. :(I've switched to using our replicate DB until data center staff can replace our failed hard drive and/or server. I'm currently bringing the services back online slowly to catch things up. Note that things might be slower until the first onslaught of clients reconnecting is over.Good news is that there shouldn't be more than few seconds of DB changes lost because our database is replicated to the secondary server. Please, do tell if you see something strange. Bad news is that there's going to be a maintenance break in the near future when I switch primary DB back to the resurrected server (maybe next weekend, if things run fine with only one DB server).*=That's 5:38 CET or Sat 20:38 PST and for other timezones, please see http://www.timeanddate.com/worldcloc...&p1=101&sort=1.
