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Thread: RC5-72 - Write error (-1.168) help

  1. #1

    RC5-72 - Write error (-1.168) help

    This is the message:

    [Mar 26 15:53:15 UTC] Connected to
    via HTTP proxy
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] The keyserver says: "
    dot net"
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] Refreshed project state data from server. (cached)
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] Net::write error: could not reestablish connection.
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] FetchRC5-72:: Unable to send request (-1.168).
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] Net::write error: could not reestablish connection.
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] FetchOGR-P2:: Unable to send request (-1.168).
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] Net::write error: could not reestablish connection.
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] FlushRC5-72::Unable to send packet (-1.168).
    [Mar 26 15:53:16 UTC] Connection closed.

    Any ideas?
    Tks in advance

  2. #2
    Ok, fixed it.
    After making changes to the dial-up options, and then putting them back, something must have bugged.
    I extracted the zip file and moved the 2 files: .com and .exe to the working dir. and all ok now.

  3. #3
    I may have caused my own problem with too many connects? not sure, but the following is working for me.
    - Don't think I had to replace files as stated above, really not sure if something is buggy.

    setting of 3:: so buff-in's are kept full and buff-out's are kept empty, but
    retry of 0:30:: only checks buffer levels every 30 minutes.
    delay of 0:15:: if the levels don't update, it waits 15 minutes before retrying.

    Now only time will tell. LOL

  4. #4
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    that was neat (and quick thinking)... you posted the problem AND the solution before anyone here had any ideas...

    I for one never had that problem... so I really couldn't be of assistance.

  5. #5
    This post would only be of interest if viewing in console mode and seeing frequent atttempts to the internet.
    - which ofcourse costs crunching time.

    I like to throw out the problem, get some chat going,
    then work on it, and get my one of possible many solutions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    make sure your cache of units is large enough so if the server goes down you have a few, oterwise you will be out of work.

  7. #7
    Is setting the 4 day max a good idea?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sussex, UK
    you meen set the levels of units you hold to 4 days but still connect every 30mins to send and recieve units ??

  9. #9

  10. #10
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    Deep in a while loop
    With the setting at 4 days, how many WUs does your cache carry ?
    For me, I had to specify the number of WUs that I wanted because it would never fill the cache with a full 4 days worth.

    Also, there are now many proxy servers, both Dnet supported and Team supported, so there is generally very little change of the Dnet WUs being unavailable. But the link between your ISP and your grid is the most susceptible to downtime.

    I generally carry a cache of 100 RC5 WUs and 40 OGR-P2 WUs on each client. When it runs out of those it defaults to generating random RC5 WUs which are just as productive. The client updates the range not yet covered so that the generator does not go back over WUs that have already been done as part of the regular WU production.

    So in reality, running out of WUs is not a huge concern unless you have turned RC5 off and are only running OGR-P2.
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