[GuanO] Poderpalpueblo ( Worst_brood )

Resources on Poderpalpueblo [1:198:9] at 09-16 01:54:49
Metal: 56847 Crystal: 64245
Deuterium: 53039 Energy: 3620
Small Cargo Ship 10 Heavy Fighter 2
Cruiser 6 Espionage Probe 10
Missile Launcher 50 Small Laser 50
Heavy Laser 30 Gauss Cannon 20
Ion Cannon 50 Plasma Cannon 5
Small Shield Dome 1 Anti-ballistic Missile 4
Interplanetary Missiles 12
Chance of counterespionage:26%
Vaughan requested that I attack this planet. But my fleet is still being built so I'm getting "Draw" in speedsim. If anyone else has a big/powerful fleet, I think Vaughan would appreciate this planet being attacked.

If not, I'll attack in a few days time when my fleet should be able to win against the defenses.