I was just getting around to fixing (cleaning) my Ubuntu file server box . I was going to add another HD and clean out the dust bunnies.

Then i started thinking (always keep asprin next to the confuser). I had just picked up a 'donated' P4 1.6 ghz box, and was wondering what to do with it. Since my Ubuntu box is a P750 mhz, I thought 'Hey let's toss that'...

So I started smurfing around for an easier (quick and dirty) file server solution. FreeNas .684...Hmmmm.

The test install was a breeze. It took me about 30 minutes (after initial install, setup is WEB GUI), using the online manual. It supports: UFS, FAT, NTFS, EXT2 file systems and booting from USB and CF. And allows SSH access. I'm going to play with this for a bit. Seems like a good program for casual home use. It will even do software raid.

I should be able to throw my existing HD's in here after I play with it for a while.

Anyone using this? any feedback??

Happy Easter!!