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Thread: No Prime Left Behind Math Project

  1. #11
    Just a quick note. server (ports 100 and 300) has been improved since last rally. The server can now handle more than 500 communications per second, compared to the previous 10. This change improved the dead times between clients/server communication.
    Another server was set at:

    address =
    port = 500

    Thanks AMDUsers (AMDave) for all your CPU support.

    Carlos Eduardo

  2. #12
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    /* edited */

    A handy point to note for the interested LLR'er

    If you already have LLR services installed, in order to avoid modifying other LLR installs or overwriting any existing LLR services that are installed you can install to another directory (eg NPLB) and change
    serviceName = "LLRnet"
    serviceName = "LLRnet-NPLB"
    in the llr-clientconfig.txt and then follow the instructions above.

    If you want to install more than one service on a multi-core machine for example you would not want subsequent service names to be the same as previously installed services so I'd suggest adding a number to the end of the service name in keeping with the folder name that that service refers to:
    folder = D:\dc_projects\LLR\npbl1\
    servicename = "LLRnet-NPLB1"

    Testing this out revealed something:

    Note that the service name in the config file does not apply to the name in the Windows Service list.
    Yeuch! Windows uses the original hard coded service name.
    So, after you install the first service you need to go into the Windows services list.
    Select properties on the service labeled "LLRnet, k*2^n-1 / k*2^n+1 networked prime tester" and edit the service name to suit yourself.
    otherwise the next service will still install as the same service name "LLRnet, k*2^n-1 / k*2^n+1 networked prime tester" and you end up with only one service.
    Then install the next service and edit the service name in the services list again.

    Once you have that done you can connect remotely to the drive they are on from your own workstation, make changes to the config (ie change ports or servers or cahce size etc) and then use the windows service interface to connect to the service details on that remote machine on your LAN and restart the service to pick up the new config.

    A small pain for much gain.

    This way you may have many LLR projects installed and multiple services for each.
    Last edited by AMDave; 03-08-2008 at 01:54 AM.
    . . . . . ___
    . . . . . . .\___/\______
    . . . . . . . \__AMD___\\__

  3. #13
    There will be a 24-hour NPLB LLRnet rally (server = "" port = 5000) starting today at 7 PM GMT. The server has Top 5000 candidates.

  4. #14
    List of servers:

    NPLB LLRnet server #1:
    maintained by Carlos Eduardo
    server = ""
    port = 100
    current range: 401 <= k <= 1001, n = ~ 299.7k (upto 305k ~60,600 pairs)

    NPLB LLRnet server #2:
    maintained by Carlos Eduardo
    server = ""
    port = 300
    current range: 401 <= k <= 1001, n = ~ 373.3k (upto 392.0k)

    NPLB LLRnet server #3:
    maintained by IronBits
    server = "" NEW: from 10.03.2008 6:00-7:00 GMT
    port = 500
    current range: 401 <= k <= 1001, n = ~ 314.1k (upto 315k ~10,000 pairs; 305k-310k ~57,000 pairs)

    NPLB LLRnet server #4:
    maintained by IronBits
    server = "" NEW: from 10.03.2008 6:00-7:00 GMT
    port = 5000
    current range: 301 <= k <= 399, n = ~ 370.4k

    NPLB LLRnet server #5:
    maintained by Adam Sutton (AES)
    server = ""
    port = 300
    current range: 401 <= k <= 1001, n = ~ 395.6k

    Updated list here.

  5. #15
    AMDave's Avatar
    AMDave is offline Seeker of the exit clause Moderator
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    and that - as they say - is a wrap

    I set some achievable goals and just over 1 week later - nailed them
    Revised my ability in distributed LLR client managemement.
    Approx 10 thousand pairs tested (I have to wait for the next few stats updates - I will settle up any difference later)
    Passed 1% of total LLR pairs done on table 3a
    Got the team onto table 3b
    Got the team past last place on table 3b
    Took a place in 2 project pushes.
    I grabbed a prime (unconfirmed - but there is always next time to be sure)
    That got me onto the NPLB current primes table.
    Hopefully that will get me on table 1. Time will tell.

    After 12 months of non-stop-BOINC I can fairly say that I am still a prime seeker.
    3 years on Riesel and 1 year on PSP never netted me a single prime.
    So all-in-all I am now a happy-prime-seeker. (fingers crossed on the confirm)

    Karsten and Gary have a thriving project with increasing support over there at mersenne.
    Thanks to Carlos and IronBits for providing their Server ports and saving me the hassle of setting up my own.
    (I know there were others available but they were not in the "push" so they miss out on the complement)
    Given the increased interest and support, it is very likely that I will be back.

    Q: Will another AMD Users member beat me to it ?

    And now (with respect to the Monty Python cast) for something completely different...
    Last edited by AMDave; 03-10-2008 at 12:48 PM.
    . . . . . ___
    . . . . . . .\___/\______
    . . . . . . . \__AMD___\\__

  6. #16
    We would like to run a 24-hour LLRnet server rally on port 300 from May 3rd at 7 PM GMT to May 4th at 7 PM GMT.

    This would be noon Sat.-noon Sun. PDT, 2 PM-2PM CDT, or 3 PM-3 PM EDT in the U.S.

    Here is the server info.:
    server = ""
    port = 300

    General info. on setting up a connection to an LLRnet server can be found here. The above info. should be put in the llr-clientconfig.txt file.

    Everyone bring all of your firepower to the rally as we see how fast we can bring drive 1 up to n=425K!


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Nuneaton, UK
    I tried to jump on board, but when I click on the .EXE nothing happens!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    yup, same here, only running linux llrnet. Nada.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by spikey_richie View Post
    I tried to jump on board, but when I click on the .EXE nothing happens!
    General info. on setting up a connection to an LLRnet server can be found here. Don't forget to update the server line to:
    server = ""
    port = 300

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    okay, it's rocking and rolling now. Do we have an amd users team? This works fine on old tired systems.

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