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Thread: Raspberry Pi is a Low-Power, Credit-Card Sized Computer

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Leiden, the Netherlands
    Nvidia Jetsons for the future.

    What should Nvidia do to make their ARM products more competitive? There are several strategies, but let's start with a sore point on my part: the price.
    The 2GB Nano comes at a price halfway the 4GB Pi 4 and the 8GB Pi4 here, while the 4GB Nano is more expensive than the 8GB Pi 4 and even more expensive than the 4GB Odroid-N2+!
    The next model, the Xavier NX comes at a whopping 500+ Euro's.....

    My proposals for Nvidia:
    • Lower the price of the 2GB Nano to $35, the 4GB Nano to $55, so they can compete with the Raspberries. The USP (Unique Selling Point) might be the better GPU. CPU-wise the Raspberry Pi 4's are one generation ahead already.
    • Bring out a 8GB Nano. This to prevent messages in BOINC like this for my Jetson-Nano2GB:
      Rosetta@home 4/9/2021 4:00:11 PM Message from server: Rosetta needs 6675.72 MB RAM but only 1879.68 MB is available for use.
      Amicable Numbers 4/11/2021 12:25:21 AM Message from server: Amicable Numbers up to 10^21 needs 2861.02 MB RAM but only 1879.68 MB is available for use.

      Even the 4GB would get this from Ralph and Rosetta, so a 8GB would be very nice, not only to keep up with the Raspberry Pi's, but to do meaningful BOINC work.
    • Bring out more versions of the Xavier NX, and lower the price. At this moment we only have the far-too-expensive 8GB model, make a 6GB and a 12 GB (16 GB?) model too, and make it a bit more affordable.
    • Bring OpenCL support for your GPUs to the Linux/ARM platform. CUDA works at least but for BOINC (and other applications) to really get things into gear, OpenCL support for the GPU is needed.
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 04-10-2021 at 10:29 PM.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Leiden, the Netherlands
    Just scored the holy grail of passive chipset cooling: A Noctua NC-U6

    When it arrives I have some SBC's in line, waiting to be tested...
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 04-20-2021 at 01:34 AM.

  3. #63
    NeoGen's Avatar
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    Nice! I love Noctua, they have really good craftsmanship in all of their fans, heatsinks, etc.

  4. #64
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    Leiden, the Netherlands
    I was really impressed with the quality, and ordered three fans too today.
    One 5V 4-pin 40mm for the 2GB Jetson Nano, one 5V 3-pin 40mm for my Odroid-XU4 and a 5V 60mm one to go with the NC-U6, when needed.

  5. #65
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    Leiden, the Netherlands

    How to overclock a Raspberry Pi 4, a Raspberry Pi 400 or a Raspberry Pi CM4

    The proper way to overclock a Pi4 is:

    Step 1: Update the firmware
    $ sudo apt update --fix-missing
    $ sudo apt dist-upgrade
    $ sudo apt install rpi-eeprom
    to see the current status
    $ sudo rpi-eeprom-update
    to actually update the firmware
    $ sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a
    $ sudo reboot
    See this article on the effect of up-to-date Raspberry Pi4 firmware

    Step 2. Set the overvoltage, and set CPU and GPU speeds

    $ sudo nano /boot/config.txt

    # Add these lines:
    over_voltage = 6
    arm_freq = 2000
    gpu_freq = 750

    # 'Ctrl+X' to close the file, 'Y' to save the content, 'Enter' to save the session. (but without the quotes!)
    $ sudo reboot

    See this article if you want to push it to 2147 MHz
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 05-27-2022 at 11:40 PM. Reason: 'Ctrl+X' to close the file, 'Y' to save the content, 'Enter' to save the session. (but without the quotes!)

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    Leiden, the Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    Just scored the holy grail of passive chipset cooling: A Noctua NC-U6
    When it arrives I have some SBC's in line, waiting to be tested...
    and another contestant:
    PCCooler HB-802_o.jpg

    and another:
    Xigmatek Porter-N881.jpg
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 05-28-2022 at 12:02 AM.

  7. #67
    Join Date
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    Leiden, the Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Broer View Post
    Nvidia Jetsons for the future.

    What should Nvidia do to make their ARM products more competitive? There are several strategies, but let's start with a sore point on my part: the price.
    The 2GB Nano comes at a price halfway the 4GB Pi 4 and the 8GB Pi4 here, while the 4GB Nano is more expensive than the 8GB Pi 4 and even more expensive than the 4GB Odroid-N2+!
    The next model, the Xavier NX comes at a whopping 500+ Euro's.....

    My proposals for Nvidia:
    • Lower the price of the 2GB Nano to $35, the 4GB Nano to $55, so they can compete with the Raspberries. The USP (Unique Selling Point) might be the better GPU. CPU-wise the Raspberry Pi 4's are one generation ahead already.
    • Bring out a 8GB Nano. This to prevent messages in BOINC like this for my Jetson-Nano2GB:
      Rosetta@home 4/9/2021 4:00:11 PM Message from server: Rosetta needs 6675.72 MB RAM but only 1879.68 MB is available for use.
      Amicable Numbers 4/11/2021 12:25:21 AM Message from server: Amicable Numbers up to 10^21 needs 2861.02 MB RAM but only 1879.68 MB is available for use.

      Even the 4GB would get this from Ralph and Rosetta, so a 8GB would be very nice, not only to keep up with the Raspberry Pi's, but to do meaningful BOINC work.
    • Bring out more versions of the Xavier NX, and lower the price. At this moment we only have the far-too-expensive 8GB model, make a 6GB and a 12 GB (16 GB?) model too, and make it a bit more affordable.
    • Bring OpenCL support for your GPUs to the Linux/ARM platform. CUDA works at least but for BOINC (and other applications) to really get things into gear, OpenCL support for the GPU is needed.
    nVidia brought out a 16GB Xavier NX module! And for those with a smaller budget who want to upgrade their 2GB or 4GB Jetson Nano developer kit there is also a TX2-NX module. Those of us who have enough money might also want to upgrade their Jetson AGX Xavier with a 64GB module, or wait for the AGX Orin.
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 02-27-2022 at 04:08 PM.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Leiden, the Netherlands

    The new Jetson (Orin) Nanos

    For those of us with interest in nVidias offerings in the SBC-field: they have discontinued their old Jetson Nano, Jetson TX2 NX, Jetson Xavier NX and Jetson AGX Xavier boards. The good news: They are replacing them January 2023 with Jetson Orin offerings. The one with most interest for the budget-wise cruncher are the Jetson Orin Nanos, so let's take a closer look, and compare them with the old offerings :
    Schermafbeelding 2022-10-01 155134.jpg (click to make bigger)
    You might need a new, separate carrier board when you want to boot the new Jetson Orin Nano modules: not all Jetson carrier boards feature the needed M.2 M-key for a NVMe SSD.

    Those that have them deep pockets and were able to afford themselves a Jetson Xavier NX in the past can now rejoice a 2nd time: their carrier boards are able to work with the new Orin Nanos, but also with the Orin NX modules!
    Xavier NX vs Orin NX.jpg (click to make bigger)
    Now that is some serious ARM computing power, we might even forget about the RK3588 vapourware.....
    Last edited by Dirk Broer; 10-18-2022 at 03:19 PM.

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