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Thread: Continued Growth of the Project; A Request for Assistance

  1. #1
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    Continued Growth of the Project; A Request for Assistance

    Greetings, members of Team AMDUsers. My name is Maddy (MKOLLER); I'm the organizer for SuperDonate Team Dollars. Currently you guys are the number one team worldwide, surpassing even Team SuperDonate. Team Dollars is currently number three on that list. I'm here because I need your help.

    For some reason, the amount of work units generated by both Team Dollars and Team SuperDonate has dropped to near zero. Even with the addition of members (Team Dollars went from 33 to 42 in the past month), we have not achieved any growth in the number of work units. I have the program running on two computers, and even my personal chart says zero. I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why.

    I tried checking my firewall settings, but nothing seems out of the ordinary. I've tried changing charities, and that hasn't fixed the problem. Resource monitor is showing activity; it just seems like their servers are not recognizing it. And almost every member of my team is being affected.

    For some reason, you guys aren't affected (you're still logging tens of thousands of units every month), so I figure you might know more about the program and what could potentially be limiting it on our end.

    I'm going to be flat out honest with you guy; I would love for Team Dollars to eventually be #1. However, that's not the reason we are all here. Team AMDUsers and Team Dollars both started with the goal of using processing power to donate to charity. So if that means Team Dollars stays #2, so be it, so long as work is being accomplished.

    Who knows? Maybe one day The Dollars and AMDUsers can work side by side on other projects as well. But for now, we need to figure out the current situation. Please, help my team to help you guys with your own goals.

    - MKOLLER, Team Dollars


  2. #2
    AMDave's Avatar
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    I had a look at your stats and our stats and see the difference in volume.
    Although your output is low, the chart pattern matches the chart pattern on our stats.
    Thus we are subject to the same work unit availability as your team. (that is to say: the issue is systemic)
    I know that we have quite a few active members with multiple computers on that project which are on 24/7, as most of us do.

    Often if there is a client update on a (any DC) project we would re-install the client from scratch to make sure a problem is reproducible / complete a necessary upgrade.
    However, I checked the client versions and there have been no significant changes since since 2010.

    Since the issue of work availability appears to be systemic, I suspect the main difference is here is one of sheer numbers.
    That is to say we have many more members running project clients than your team.

    In the mean time, if you think there is a real problem, I'd contact the project administrator via their contact page:

    However, I defer to our project leader, NeoGen, to provide further comment and knowledge as he knows this project better than the rest of us.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDave View Post
    I had a look at your stats and our stats and see the difference in volume.
    Although your output is low, the chart pattern matches the chart pattern on our stats.
    Thus we are subject to the same work unit availability as your team. (that is to say: the issue is systemic)
    I can sleep a little more soundly knowing that we're still proportional to you guys. The largest drops seemed to occur in Spring 2012 (about that March), recovering in November. This matches my personal benchmarks as well; in August I had finally dropped to zero; by November I was back up to 50,000 for the month. And then in December it happened again. What is strange is that by January, your benchmarks had recovered from the December crash.

    Since the issue of work availability appears to be systemic, I suspect the main difference is here is one of sheer numbers.
    That is to say we have many more members running project clients than your team.
    That there might explain a lot of it. We have similar amounts of members, but none of us are running more than two instances of the program. I'll assume that you guys will be running anywhere from four to sixteen instances per member, which more than quadruples your possible output.

    In the mean time, if you think there is a real problem, I'd contact the project administrator via their contact page:

    However, I defer to our project leader, NeoGen, to provide further comment and knowledge as he knows this project better than the rest of us.
    I am currently awaiting a response from them. I also contacted Charity:Water to see if they'd noticed anything. Anyway, if NeoGen has any insight on what's going on I'd be more than happy to hear it. Thank you.

  4. #4
    NeoGen's Avatar
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    Hi MKOLLER, and welcome to the forums!

    Sorry for the late reply, been busy most this week with all kinds of things at work, and am catching up on things over here at the forums now.

    I myself am running SuperDonate on only 2 computers, one 6-core (Phenom II X6) and one 8-core (2x Quad CPU on Tyan Motherboard). I don't know if Superdonate works multiple instances on different cores, honestly I try to keep an eye on the task manager but never see anything besides the main "Superdonate.exe" process, and a few very rare times I have seen a second process briefly. But if it does take up multiple cores then that would also explain workflow to our members here, as some folks here have a lot of cores.

    Like Dave before me, I also recommend checking the application on the website and reinstalling it if it's newer, although it has an auto-update feature I never saw it updating or requesting to update in so long, so that kind of makes me wonder if it really works. Also after installing and logging in I went to the options and set the first two sliders to 90% (the maximum) and the third slider to 0% (minimum), I think this should in theory yield the maximum CPU usage, but again as I said before I honestly rarely see it using any CPU percentage on the task manager, so unless it works while I'm away from the computer I don't know what it does.

    As for projects, I also had the same issue once a long time ago, I didn't know if I did something wrong or not because I wasn't getting any points for a while, so I jumped around different projects on my two machines for a few days and then it started working again. I can't tell for sure if I happened to choose the "right" projects or if it was a coincidence with a dry spell on the server, but right now I am running "Invisible Youth Network" and "FLYFLY" for months and afraid to change them as to not break the good luck.

    These have been my numbers for the past few months... (copy-pasted from the website)
    Sep, 2012 19,380
    Oct, 2012 15,883
    Nov, 2012 87,180
    Dec, 2012 69,058
    Jan, 2013 23,681
    Feb, 2013 60,924
    Mar, 2013 171

    I hope any of the above can help you and your team. I like this project but honestly don't know what it does as I see no CPU usage on my end on either computer, if it does use CPU it must be when I'm not looking. lol
    Last edited by NeoGen; 03-09-2013 at 06:29 AM.

  5. #5
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    Another thing you can do to monitor it is going into Resource Monitor and checking the network activity (I'm assuming you're using Windows since you mentioned TM). I've been thinking that maybe one of the problems might be my network configuration, because it's sending and receiving really small packets of data compared to how it used to run. However, I have no idea how to change the program on that end since I don't know A) what ports it's using, and B) whether it's TCP or UDP (or both). I guess I'll try reinstalling/updating next and see what happens.

  6. #6
    NeoGen's Avatar
    NeoGen is offline AMD Users Alchemist Moderator
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    Good tip therre MKOLLER, I just checked Resource Monitor and one of my machines has on the TCP Connections
    Superdonate.exe - Local port 51564 - Remote address - Remote port 80

    The other machine has:
    Superdonate.exe - Local port 60823 - Remote address - Remote port 80
    Superdonate_worker.exe - Local port 49441 - Remote address - Remote port 80
    Superdonate_worker.exe - Local port 49443 - Remote address - Remote port 80
    Superdonate_worker.exe - Local port 49444 - Remote address - Remote port 80

    It seems that it does not use a single port but a range of TCP ports all in the high numbers. Right now I don't see either machine transmitting or receiving anything on Resource Manager, it seems Superdonate and its processes are not working at the moment.

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